DAYTON - City Council- man Arthur Hall announced Kim Lyonnaise was hired as the city planner at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13. Lyonnaise began work on Tuesday and will work 20 to 24 hours per week, Mayor Craig George said. Lyonnaise will have an office in City Hall and is scheduled to work weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday.
City Clerk/Treasurer Trina Cole said Lyonnaise has been working periodically for the city for the last few weeks getting acquainted, but his official start date was Nov. 13.
George said Lyonnaise told the staff to give his phone number out so anyone in the community who is interested in planning can reach him at any time.
"He wants to talk to any- one who has any questions about planning," George said.
George said there were initially 21 applicants for the position from all over the state. A committee narrowed the applicants down to eight, conducting six interviews in person and two by phone. Finally, George said the com- mittee narrowed the search down to two candidates, both with a lot of energy and en- thusiasm. Ultimately the committee decided the position required someone with more experience. Lyonnaise has a degree in planning, is a build- ing inspector and has been working in planning for many years.
"We felt if we gave it to hellip; one young lady who was very impressive we could have been doing her more harm than good because she would have had to pick up everything as she went along," George said.
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