Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Top Dogs Awarded

DAYTON - Dayton athletic coaches took an evening to rec­ognize hard-working athletes and dedicated supporters at the fall sports banquet on Tuesday night.

The coaches echoed many of the same sentiments in their speeches, thanking the support­ive families and fans, the super- moms who brought snacks and made dinner, the athletes who made the season happen and the organizations that helped keep the teams operating.

"None of this could have been done without the boosters," Football head coach Dean Bick­elhaupt said, along with many of the other coaches.

The boosters' support was recognized by several coaches as essential to the success and progress of the season.

"I want to thank my wife es­pecially," Bickelhaupt said. "She is so supportive."

Bickelhaupt said his wife often catches him talking to him­self thinking about a recent game or anticipating an upcoming one and his wife always understands.

Volleyball head coach Shan­non Turner presented awards for the volleyball team. Senior McK­ayla Bickelhaupt received the award for most valuable player. Senior Jessica Tate received the award for most inspirational player. Sarah Phillips received the award for outstanding de­fensive player. Breyana Myrick received the award for most improved. Phillips received the coach's award. Bickelhaupt and Tate were both recognized as team captains.

Assistant cheerleading coach Jana Eaton presented awards for the cheerleaders. Taija Kinamon and Caitlyn Robins were recog­nized as captains. The coach's award was given to Lexie Ward.

"We would like to thank the football team for your support," Eaton said. "We would also like to thank the booster club for their continuing support."

Dean Bickelhaupt presented awards for the football team.

Most inspirational was award­ed to Isaiah Lambert. Outstand­ing offensive player was awarded to Lowden Smith. Outstanding defensive player was awarded to Kane Hackett. Most outstanding lineman was awarded to Alex Naylor. The coach's award was given to Johnny Sanchez. Wyatt Frame, Lambert, Smith and Naylor were recognized as team captains.

Soccer head coach DJ Frame presented awards for the soccer team.

Frame also thanked his wife and the assistant coaches' wives, pointing out that more hours go into the season than what hap­pens on the field.

Most improved was awarded to Travis Swan. Most inspira­tional was awarded to Samantha Harting. The team one "team player" award was awarded to Marshall Nechodom and Malia Frame.

Cross Country head coach Dan Nechodom presented awards for the cross country team.

Kiara Biggar was given the coach's award. Nechodom said Biggar was inspirational to him as a coach for pushing herself to and past the limits and develop­ing an "impressive level of men­tal toughness."


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