Ten Years Ago November 21, 2002
Most of the faculty of Waitsburg Elementary School attended the Waitsburg School District board meeting last week to express concern about staffing levels in the elemen- tary school after a vacancy created by one teacher's resigna- tion was not filled for the 2003-2004 school year. Carolyn Rittenhouse, who last year taught a 2-3 combination, re- signed at the end of last school year to accept a position in another school district. A replacement teacher was not hired following last summer's budgeting process and a determina- tion by Superintendent Robbie Johnson that class sizes did not warrant replacing the teacher, especially in light of the tight financial times anticipated in 2003 and 2004.
Twenty-Five Years Ago November 19, 1987
Snuffy's H-D and RIDER of Washington will have a toy run on Sunday, November 29, with all motorcyclists welcome. The event will raise money to benefit St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store with Christmas toy donations to needy children. Cyclists will assemble at the H-D dealership at 1634 Isaacs at 11:30 a.m., and ride out at 12 noon. Bring a friend, bring a toy, ride safe and free is the message.
Fifty Years Ago November 23, 1962
Bill Dickeson was honored by the Commercial Club Tuesday night in recognition of his many years of service to the City of Waitsburg. He has gone to California to spend the winter with his son and daughter.
Six seniors are among the first 10 on the basketball team this year. They include Wes Leid, Bob Abbey, Rich White, Jack Cyr, Jim Wood and Ken Finch. Other returning letter- men are Jim Hofer, Mike White and Gary Thomas.
Carole Harris was chosen FFA Sweetheart at the Har- vest Ball Friday evening. She also received the traditional white jacket and kiss from Bob Abbey. Other members of her court were Jan Bloor, escorted by Loren Bates and Sue Hawks, escorted by Jack Cyr.
Seventy-Five Years Ago November 25, 1937
Glen Smith has just purchased 320 acres of wheat land from the Bashore estate, and which adjoined the Preston land on the south, which Smith has leased. This gives Mr. Smith 1,500 acres of farmland in one body.
The Waitsburg Cardinals went through the past football season without losing a game. After the smoke of the Armi- stice Day game had cleared away, the cardinals were one of the 16 unbeaten "prep" schools in the state.
The Alto Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Roberts. There was a patriotic program by Mrs. Francis Smith, Eva Trichler, Margaret Collingwood and Aletha Shaffer. There was a social hour and refreshments served at the close of the afternoon.
One Hundred Years Ago November 22, 1912
W.J. Duncan and Lee Wilson arrived home Monday afternoon after an absence of several weeks in Douglas County, where they, with several other men, gathered up and drove to winter pasture in Spring Valley several hundred head of cows and calves belonging to Chas. A. Hungate.
H.D. Conover has just greatly improved the appearance of his property, which he recently purchased on Fourth Street, by cutting out several old box-elder shade trees and trimming up those he left.
O.L. Denney has lost 70 head of hogs this fall with a new disease, which veterinarians seem to be at a loss to account for. Cecil Keiser is also losing hogs with the same disease.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago November 25, 1887
The funeral of Mrs. John Fudge last Saturday was very largely attended. Mrs. Fudge contributed $300 to the build- ing of the M.E. Church just completed in Huntsville, and was the first to be buried from it.
L.H. Macomber and L.T. Parker made a raid on the goose regions of Eureka Flat last Monday bringing home 13 of the weather prophets. They report lots of geese, but rather hard to shoot.
S.A.Woods has rented his farm in the Field's gulch coun- try and will move his family to Dayton to reside.
Our fire department gave its fourth annual ball in the Op- era House on Tuesday evening, and a grand success it was, socially and financially. The hall was tastily decorated for the occasion; the music was excellent; the attendance was large and everything passed off very pleasantly. A magnifi- cent supper was served and the dancing continued until a late hour this morning.
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