Walla Walla County
Board of
Commissioners Monday, Nov. 26, agenda *9:30 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Chairman Tompkins a) Roll call and establish a quorum b) Declarations re: confl ict of interest c) Pledge of Allegiance d) Public comment period (time limitations may be imposed) e) Action Agenda Items: 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Action Forms f) Consent Agenda Items: 1) Resolution __________ - Minutes of County Commissioners' sessions of November 19 and 20, 2012 2) Approving County warrants as follows: 4135037 through 4135270 totaling $1,110,764.47 3) Payroll action and other forms requiring Board approval g) Miscellaneous business to come before the Board h) Review reports and correspondence; hear committee and meeting reports i) Review of constituent concerns/possible updates re: past concerns *9:45 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES and Dr. Harvey Crowder PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT a) Department update and miscellaneous *10:00 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Jim Duncan a) Consent Agenda Items: 1) Resolution ________ - Approving acceptance of Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant Funds b) Department update and miscellaneous *10:15 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Kevin Gutierrez a) Department update and miscellaneous *10:30 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Randy Glaeser a) Consent Agenda Items: 1)Resolution__________ - Signing an Auction Sale Agreement with Booker Auction Company 2) Execute Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) Mill Creek Fish Project b) Department update and miscellaneous *11:00 JOINT FINANCIAL UPDATE Karen Martin and Gordon Heimbigner a) 2012 Budget update *11:15 PERSONNEL/ RISK MANAGER Lucy Schwallie a) Department update and miscellaneous b) Active Agenda Items: 1) Possible discussion/ decision re: any pending claims against the County c) Possible executive session re: personnel (pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(g)), collective bargaining negotiations (pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b)), and/or litigation or pending or potential litigation (pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) *11:30 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Jim Nagle/ Jesse Nolte a) Possible executive session re: litigation or pending or potential litigation (pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) *11:45 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS a) Miscellaneous or unfi nished business to come before the Board *12:00 Recess *1:30 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS a) Miscellaneous or unfi nished business to come before the Board *Adjourn
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