Dayton City Council Tuesday, November 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA - Action, 1) Approval of Council Minutes for November 13, 2012 - Table, Approved. 2) Approval of Claims Vouchers as audited by Finance Committee, Approved. 3) Approval of November 15, 2012 Payroll Warrants, Approved. SPECIAL GUESTS AND PUBLIC COMMENT - 1)Final Public Hearing - 2013 Final Budget
COMMITTEE/BOARD/ COMMISSION REPORT REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS - 1) Consideration of Ordinance No. 1823, an ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Dayton, Washington, for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, Approved. 2) Consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 1824, an ordinance of the City of Dayton, Washington, adopting the 2013 salary Schedule for the City of Dayton, Approved. 3) Consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 1825, an Ordinance of the City of Dayton, Washington, Amending Chapter 4-5 Section 88-Monthly Uniform Sewer Services Charges for Fiscal Year 2013, Repealing Ordinance No. 1814, Approved. 4) Consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 1826, an Ordinance of the City of Dayton, Washington, Amending Chapter 4-3 Section 08-Monthly Water rates for Fiscal year 2013, Repealing ordinance No. 1800, Approved. 5) Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No. 1827, an ordinance of the City of Dayton, Washington, Amending Chapter 4-6 Section 20-Monthly Garbage Rates for Fiscal Year 2013, Repealing Ordinance No. 1815, Approved. FINAL PUBLIC COMMENT EXECUTIVE SESSION - 1) To discuss with legal counsel representing the City potential litigation which the City reasonably believes may be commenced against the City. - No Action. Next regular meeting: December 3, 2012
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