Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago November 28, 2002

The City of Waitsburg has learned this week that Transportation Improvement Board funds have been approved for the Coppei Avenue/Preston avenue renovation project, which is anticipated to begin in July, 2003. Through the Small cities Program, $341,686 was allotted to cover 40 percent of the project, joining with $517,797 from the Washington State Department of Transportation. The project will widen the roadway from 24 to 32 feet with reconstructed pavement, which will have new curb, gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalks and ADA ramps and drainage improvements. The intersection of Preston Avenue and Coppei Avenue will be improved for left turn movements. The city's contribution has been in-kind work preparing the application, performing the legal work connected with the project, and providing some engineering. The total project is $859,483. The project will extend 0.53 of a mile from south of Ninth Street to Preston Avenue. Average daily traffic on the section of Highway 12 is 4,200 vehicles.

Twenty-Five Years Ago November 26, 1987

Waitsburg Lions Tuesday night received a $1,000 gift from Pepsi-Cola USA thanks to the award-winning efforts of the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Walla Walla. The local Pepsi bottlers earned this grant, known as the John Reese Award, because of its generous contribution of time, services and financial support to the Waitsburg Lions Club. "We consider community involvement to be one of the most important aspects of our business," said Dave Conradt. "Our success comes from loyal support from Waitsburg consumers. Community action is the best way to say thank you and tell our customers that we care." Conradt said that the Waitsburg club received the award from the 554 grants that applied for across the country. The John Reese Awards Program is a grassroots community grant program developed to recognize and support the public service initiatives of Pepsi-Cola bottlers around the country. Grants of $1,000 are awarded to non-profit organizations through the local bottler. The Lions qualify because of the community help programs to which the local bottler has committed both volunteer time and financial resources.

Fifty Years Ago November 30, 1962

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Ann to William D. Stonecipher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Stonecipher. The year promises to be a big one for aspiring young equestrians as lessons in horsemanship started Saturdays afternoon at the community building with Dwight Brodhead in charge. Because of the large number of youngsters enrolled, there will be three classes each Saturday. Pack 36 Cub Scouts received awards Monday evening at the K of P Hall. Receiving bear badges were Martin Huffman and Gary Pierson. Denner bars went to Brian Henze and Kenneth Phillips; assistant denner bars to Gary Pierson and Terry Bloor; gold and silver arrows to Martin Huffman.

Seventy-Five Years Ago December 3, 1937

The Alto Club met Thursday at the Hall for the day with a covered lunch. The day was spent making paper pottery with Mrs. Hamby and Mrs. Riley Wise as instructors. The ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary are responsible for a lot of remodeling now going on at the Legion Hall. The balcony has been enclosed and the room redecorated which turns this floor into a cozy meeting place. New and fast airmail-passenger, express services to California will become available to Waitsburg citizen's Saturday when United Airlines makes Walla Walla a regular port of call.

One Hundred Years Ago November 29, 1912

In honor of his eightieth birthday, the citizens of Waitsburg Saturday night, Nov. 22, presented Hon. W.G. Preston our well-known pioneer townsman, with a beautiful ebony cane with a gold handle, as a slight token of their respect and esteem. Richard Roberts and family, Miss Luella Macomber and Merrill Cox, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Cox left Tuesday morning for Southern California. Mr. Roberts goes to the Imperial Valley where he has some land interests and Merrill Cox will also spend the winter there for the benefit of his health, which has not been all that could be desired for some time. Miss Luella goes to Los Angeles.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago December 2, 1887

Steamer fare between Portland and San Francisco will be reduced Dec. 1 to $7.50 steerage, and $20 cabin. The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church gave a 10-cent lunch at their church on Wednesday evening. A large time and a large crowd. H.J. Abbey and Dr. Simons are each treating their residences to a fresh coat of paint. W.H. Babcock is wintering 100,000 bushels of wheat, waiting for an excepted raise in price in the spring. Rev. S.G. Irvine of Albany, Ore., arrived in this city on the 2:30 train yesterday afternoon and will deliver the dedicatory address at the Academy this afternoon. Hon. P. A. Preston, member-elect to the Territorial Legislature which meets in Olympia Dec. 5 left for the seat of government on last Sunday.


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