Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners

When: Monday, Decem- ber 3, 2012 and Tuesday, December 6, 2012. Monday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday's work- shop begins at 9:00 a.m. Where: Walla Walla Coun- ty Public Health and Legis- lative Building, 314 Main St. Monday PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1) To consider adoption of the 2013 Walla Walla County property tax levies. 2) To consider adoption of the 2013 Walla Walla County Budget. ACTION AGENDA : 1) Resolution -2013 Property Tax Levy (current expense). 2) Resolution - 2013 Road Levy. 3) Resolution -2013 Emergency Medical Ser- vices Levy. 4) Resoltion- Certifying 2013 Property Tax Levy (current expense). 5) Resolution- Certifying 2013 Road Levy. 6) Resolu- tion- Certifying 2013 Emer- gency Medical Services Levy. 7) Resolution- Adop- tion of 2013 County Budget. 8) Resolution- Setting the assessment for the 2013 County Noxious Weed Control Program. 9) resolu- tion- Awarding contracts for indigent legal services. 10) Review submitted Employ- ee Payroll Action Forms. CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Resolution- mInutes of County Commissioners' Sessions of Novem- ber 26 and 27, 2012. 2) resolution- Approving an Agreement for Medical program Director (Emer- gency Medical Services). 3) Resolution- Adopting revised Walla Walla County Affordable Housing and Homeless Housing Ad- ministrative Guidelines. 4) Resolution- Approval of an amended Interlocal Coop- eration Agreement between Walla Walla County and the Cities and Towns of College Place, Prescott, Waitsburg, and Walla Walla for the purpose of admin- istering surcharge funds generated as allowed pursu- ant to RCW 36.22.178. 5) Resolution- Setting a date of public hearing to consider amendments to the 2012 Walla Walla County Budget. 6) Resolution- Setting a date of public hearing to consider a request to reclassify or classify certain property as "farm and agri- cultural conservation land". 7)Resolution- Approving out of state travel for a fair board member. 8) Resolu- tion- Approving out of state travel for fair board and fair court members and parade marshals for 2012-2013. 9) County warrants as follows: 4031517 through 4031539, totaling $79,598.10 (payroll draws dated Novem- ber 15, 2012); 4031705 through 4031785, totaling $955,320.93 (Novem- ber payroll); and 4135276 through 4135314 totaling $885,163.79 (benefits and deductions) and 4135275 in the amount of $270.00. 10) Payroll action and other forms requiring Board approval. COUNTY FAIR- GROUNDS: Department update and miscellaneous PROSECUTING AT- TORNEY: Possible ex- ecutive session re: litigation or pending or potential litigation (pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) PUBLIC WORKS DE- PARTMENT: 1)Bid Open- ing: Small works Project- Dell Avenue Fuel Station. 2) Department update and miscellaneous. 3) Discussion re ER&R (Equipment Rental and Revolving Fund) for Sheriff's Office vehicles.


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