Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Dayton City Council

Monday, December 3,

2012 at 7:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA - Action, 1) Approval of Council Minutes for November 13, 2012 and November 26, 2012, Ap- proved. 2) Approval of Claims Vouchers as audit- ed by Finance Committee, Approved. 3) Approval of November 30, 2012 Pay- roll Warrants, Approved. SPECIAL GUESTS AND PUBLIC COMMENT COMMITTEE/BOARD/ COMMISSION RE- PORT REPORTS OF CITY OF- FICERS UNFINISHED BUSI- NESS NEW BUSINESS - 1) Consideration of the 2013- 2015 Collective Bargain- ing Agreement between the City of Dayton Wash- ington and Council 2 Washington State Council of County and City Employees representing Lo- cal 1191-CD union members, Tabled. 2) Consider- ation of the Continuation of Services Agreement with Columbia County Municipal Court Services, Approved. 3) Consider- ation of the Continuation of Services Agreement with Columbia County for Law Enforcement and Dispatch Services, Ap- proved. 4) Consideration of the Continuation of Services Agreement with Columbia County for Building Services, Ap- proved. 5)Consideration of the Continuation of Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce for promotion and tourism services, Approved. 6) Consideration of Resolution No. 1217, a resolution declaring and emer- gency and ratifying the Mayor's immediate action to rebuild Well No. 2's pump motor, Approved. 7) Application for Special Occasion Liquor License- Touchet Valley Arts Coun- cil, Approved. FINAL PUBLIC COM- MENT


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