Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Prescott Is Top School Board

PRESCOTT - Prescott schools are on top!

Not only was the school honored as a School of Distinction by the Wash- ington State School Directors' Association last month, but the Prescott School Board was named the top school board of the year for Washington State schools with fewer than 1,000 students.

School Board Chair- woman Karen Tonne said this is the first time the Prescott School Board received this high honor. The current members of the board are Tonne, chairwoman, Sara Fletch- er, Ada Gonzalez-Hernan- dez, Eva Madrigal and Erik Young.

Tonne and school ad- ministrators completed and submitted an application to be considered as a school of distinction but she never expected the whole school board would be recognized. The board didn't find out it was cho- sen until an awards cer- emony at a conference in Spokane on Nov. 16.

"We didn't know about the board of the year until we got there," she said. "I was totally shocked."

The school board of the year honor went to three school boards in the state depending on the enrollment of the districts, Tonne said.

She is happy to be hon- ored and the board received a nice award to hang on the wall.

"It reinforces that we're really going the right direction," she said. "It makes me feel like we're really helping the students get what they need."

She thanked the stu- dents, staff members, ad- ministrators and parents for all of their help and support.

Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan said the honor is a great event for the board, which has gone through "a pretty tumultuous time" with hiring a new superin- tendent and other changes to the district.

The board also made the decision to refocus on academics, put more resources behind professional development, make annual goals and continues to work toward improving Prescott students' academ- ic standings.

"The board has worked hard to be responsible and accountable and make good decisions," Jordan said. "I'm proud of them and excited for them. They've worked hard to be a board that works out sound decisions."


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