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More Athletes In Wrestling’s Second Year

PRESCOTT - Waitsburg- Prescott wrestling coach Lanny Adams' days of grappling with few participants in his program are over.

The number of athletes out for wrestling in year two of the Waitsburg-Prescott program is up nearly four-fold from last year. The 2012-13 squad is composed of 15 wrestlers- two from Waitsburg, five from Prescott, and eight from Jubilee Leadership Academy - up from the four who par- ticipated last year.

The returnees are Dalton LaRue, Trenton Kitselman and Gabe Escalante. None made the state tournament last year, but LaRue, in the 160-pound weight class, and Kitselman in the 138-pound class, may have come closest.

"Both Dalton and Trenton have Matbirds (youth wres- tling) experience. But the intensity of the matches at the high school level was a culture shock to them," said Adams. "When we went to regionals I don't think they were quite ready for the hunger and intensity of those athletes who went on to state. This year, that's not going to happen to them. They will be ready and they will go on to state."

Escalante's first season in the program was also his first attempt at the sport. Gabe being a first year wrestler had to learn a lot of technique and a just a lot about the sport. About three quarters of the way through the season he had his 'Aha!' moment. This year he has a real shot at being a state contender."

First-year wrestlers Dan- ny Stansell of Prescott, and Brandon Aceves and Nolan Allen of Jubilee, come to the program with some prior ex- perience. Stansell with youth experience, and Aceves and Allen with junior high experi- ence.

"Stansell is a natural athlete," said Adams. "I have high expectations for him. Aceves and Allen both have a keen awareness of what's going on about what we teach in practice."

WP senior football and track standout James Thomp- kins has also taken up the solo sport for the first time this year.

"(Thompkins) is picking it up pretty quick," noted Ad- ams. "He wrestles in practice with Trent (Kitselman). He soaks up knowledge like a sponge-his awareness of technique, where his opponent is on the mat, his balance, and what his opponent's next move will be."

Waitsburg freshman Tristin Newman will wrestle in the top weight class at 285 pounds. Newman is the last of the Tiger wrestlers with Matbirds expe- rience. Adams coached him while in Matbirds.

Freshman WP soccer goal- keeper Antonio Benito has also turned out. Adams notes Benito's good control of his balance and early improve- ment. "Unfortunately, he'll be wrestling in a very tough bracket," said Adams.

Fellow Prescott frosh Ad- olfo Armenta should have a better go of it for his first year. Armenta will wrestle with other mostly first year wrestlers in the 108-pound lightweight class. Benito figures to wrestle with older, more experienced athletes at 182 pounds.

In general, notes Adams, the Jubilee athletes seem to have a real hunger to learn wrestling.

"I've only had most of them since last Monday, so it's hard to give an assessment of where they're going to end up being this season," said Adams. I can see us taking some kids to state this year. I can't predict how many, but there's going to be a few. In the end, it depends on health and on heart-how much you want it."

WP Wrestling

Antonio Benito

Jesse Rawson

Nolan Allen

Steven Grimes

Trent Kitselman

Dalton LaRue

Tristin Newman

Jason Just

Juan Salazar

Brandon Aceves

Danny Stansell

James Thompkins

Gabe Escalante


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