Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Waitsburg FFA

Meeting Minutes

Nov. 21, 2012


The regular meeting of the Waitsburg FFA was called to order at 11:37 A.M. on [date] in the Waitsburg High School Ag classroom. Members were served pizza and soda during the meeting.


There were 27 members present.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unani- mously approved as distrib- uted.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previ- ous meeting were unanimously approved as distrib- uted.

Open Issues

Carolyn Brooks explained that the trap shoot being held in Pomeroy on Friday November 30th, will poten- tially interfere with the state championship football game (should the WP football team be participating). Whether or not the trap team will participate in the Pomeroy shoot will be determined after the football game on the 24th. Beka Adams stated that at the October chapter meeting, committee sign-up sheets for the Harvest Ball dance were passed out but not enough people signed up, therefore the sign-up sheets were passed out again and members were encouraged to sign up. Heidi Miller told members that the FFA will be sponsoring the Festival of Trees contest at Hometown Christmas on December 2nd and members are needed to help set up the event on both December 1st and 2nd. Seth Deal proposed the idea of having an FFA float in the Hometown Christmas pa- rade; he explained that Mrs. Abel's dad is willing to pro- vide a horse-drawn wagon for the chapter members to ride in. Cheyenne Frohreich motioned that the FFA have a float in the parade, Maddy Witt seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Carolyn Brooks mentioned that the FFA will be running the concession stand at the basketball games on De- cember 10th, and members will need to help operate it. Kimmie Hamann brought up that the Harvest Ball dance is scheduled to be on December 1st, the day after the state football championship game in Tacoma. Members were asked to raise their hand if they plan to still attend the dance if WP is playing in the championship game. The majority of members indicated they would still be able to attend. Tristan Newman motioned to presale Harvest Ball tickets, it was seconded and passed. Krystal Har- ris explained that a team of Waitsburg FFA members will be participating in the Sales contest on December 12th. Members interested in joining a sales team were advised to speak to Mrs. Abel after the meeting.

New Business

Members were reminded about upcoming events, in- cluding Harvest Ball, the Festival of Trees, Kids Shop- ping Night, and the Pomeroy trap shoot


Meeting was adjourned at 11:58 A.M. by [Facilita- tor Name]. The next general meeting will be at 8 P.M. on December 19, 2012 in the Waitsburg High School Ag classroom.

Minutes submitted by: Secretary Kimmie Hamann

Approved by: Mrs. Abel


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