Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners

When: Monday, Decem- ber 10, 2012 and Tuesday, December 11, 2012. Monday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday's work- shop begins at 1:30 p.m.

Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 Main St.


PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1) to consider adoption of the 2013 Walla Walla County property tax levies. 2) To consider adoption of the 2013 Walla Walla County Budget.

ACTION AGENDA: 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Action Forms. 2) Resolution-2013 Property Tax Levy (Current Expense). 3) Resolution-2013 Road Levy. 4) Resolution-2013 Emergency Medical Ser- vices Levy. 5) Resolution- Certifying 2013 Property Tax Levy (Current Expense). 6) Resolution-Certifying 2013 Road Levy. 7) Resolution- Certifying 2013 Emergency Medical Services Levy. 8) Resolution-Adoption of 2013 County Budget. 9) Resolution Setting the assessment for the 2013 County noxious weed control program.

CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Resolution-Minutes of County Commissioners' sessions of December 3 and 4, 2012. 2) Resolution-Reappointment to the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days Board of Directors (Pat Reay). 3) Resolution-Canceling Coun- ty Commissioners' sessions (December 26 and 31, 2012). 4) Execute Amendment #2 to State of Washington De- partment of General Admin- istration Intergovernmental Agreement 9Purchasing Cooperative). 5) Approving County warrants as follows: 4135315 through 4135608, totaling $463,688.66. 6) Pay- roll action and other forms requiring Board approval.

PUBLIC HEALTH/HU- MAN SERVICES DEPART- MENT: 1) Resolution-Ap- pointing Designated Mental Health Professionals to per- form detention and commitment duties (Cox, Evenson, Grizzell and Hagerman- Harris). 2) Resolution - Revocation of Designated Mental Health Professional and Designated Chemical Dependency Professional appointments (Ongers, Dumont, McCauley, Pesciallo, Loney and New). 3) Resolu­tion Recommendation by the Human Services Advisory Board to fund various grants through the Coordinated Homeless Housing Fund­ing. 4) Proposal 2012 12-10 PHD-1 - Requesting approv­al to request renewal grants for Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program with vari­ous foundations, trusts and community support pro­grams. 5) Proposal 2012 12-10 PHD-2 - Approval to request grant funds from the Sterling Savings Bank Com­munity Giving for Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program. 6) Proposal 2012 12-20 PHD-3 - Approval to request grant funds from the Pelo Foundation for Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program.


Interagency Agreement between Washington State Department of Agriculture and Walla Walla County (for certain apple maggot control activities).


PUBLIC WORKS DE­PARTMENT: 1) Bid Open­ing: 2013 Class 8, Dump Truck. 2) Public Hearing: To consider 2013 Assessment for the Mill Creek Flood Control Zone District. Action Agenda: 1) Resolution-2013 Assessment for the Mill Creek Flood Control Zone District. 2) Resolution-Small Works Project for the Dell Avenue Fuel Station. Con­sent Agenda: 1) Resolution- Signing a lease agreement for a stockpile site on Touchet North Road.

PERSONNEL/ RISK MANAGER: Department update and miscellaneous. Active Agenda: 1) Possible discussion/decision re: any pending claims against the county. Action Agenda: 1) Proposal 2012 12-03 PRM Claim for damages (Turley)

PROSECUTING AT­TORNEY: Possible execu­tive session re: litigation or pedning or potential liti­gation (pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i).

COUNTY COMMIS­SIONERS: Miscellaneous or unfinished business to come before the Board.


COUNTY COMMIS­SIONERS: County elected officials and department heads to meet with 16th District legislators to present and discuss County govern­ment related items of mutual interest and the upcoming Legislative session.

MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous or unfinished business to come before the Board.


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