TOBOGGAN RUN WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg School 6-12 musicians will present their annual Christmas Concert on Monday December 17 at 7pm in the WHS auditorium. The Sixth Grade Band will lead out with their latest pieces, capped by "Christmas in the Kitchen," played on pots, pans and glass bowls with ladles and spoons. Wear an apron! The Preston Hall (7-8th grade) band will play some of their favorite pep and concert pieces, including our title song "Toboggan Run," and "A Charlie Brown Christmas." It's sure to give you chills! The WHS Guitar Class (21 guitars) has some sweet songs to present, including "Black Horse in a Cherry Tree," "Seven Nation Army" and, of course, "Jingle Bells." And the WHS Band will close it out with holiday excellence: "All is Calm," with Nick Pearson on the piano, "Prelude to Christmas," the "Klaxon" March, and themes from the movie "The Avengers." Admission is free, but bring a non-perishable food item for the Waitsburg food bank. And stay around afterwards for punch and cookies. Bands are directed by Mr. Brad Green.
CREA SCHOLARSHIPS DAYTON -- Application packets are now available for the Columbia REA scholarship program. The program will provide scholarship funding for the school term beginning in the fall of 2013. It's available to members or dependents of members with an active account served by Columbia REA. Four scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to eligible applicants. Once awarded, these scholarships will be renewable for up to three additional consecutive years pro- vided the recipient remains a student in good standing with at least a 2.75 grade point average at an accredited institution. A fourth scholarship is available for eligible applicants wishing to pursue a career in the electric industry as a journey line- man. The Jeff Meredith Scholarship is available to any appli- cant; and does not need to be a member of Columbia REA. Application packets are available at Columbia REA's offices in Dayton and Walla Walla and at all high schools within Co- lumbia REA's service area. A complete application packet is also available on the Columbia REA web site at www.colum- The deadline for submitting applications is Feb. 15, 2013. Recipients will be notified by March 29, 2013. The winners of the scholarships will be introduced at the annual membership meeting in April, 2013.
MORE TVAC SHOWS DAYTON -- Bustling activity can be seen and heard on- stage and behind the scenes in anticipation of two upcoming musicals. Director Bev Startin and her six Little Sisters of Hoboken who entertained us with "Nunsense," are currently in rehearsals for the sequel "Nunsense II," which runs Jan. 18 - 21. Tickets for the six performances go on sale Friday, Dec. 14. Touchet Valley Arts Council Productions has scheduled auditions for its spring variety show, "The Good, The Bad, and Everything Elsehellip;" on Dec.14 and 15. Director Suzanne Williams is looking forward to bringing her vision of a musi- cal evening filled with songs performed by many of the great Broadway heroes and villains to the Liberty Theater, and is asking for anyone interested in trying out for the show to contact the theater at (509) 382-1380 or via email to to schedule an audition time. More infor- mation on these shows, auditions and other Liberty Theater events can be found at
WAITSBURG SCHOOL CLOSURES WAITSBURG -- Due to extreme weather, it may be necessary to delay or close school. A decision will be made about 6:30 a.m. and posted immediately on the district website: Also, families can listen to one of the radio or TV stations listed in the student handbook. If no announcement has been broadcast prior to 7:30 a.m., assume that school will operate on its regular schedule.
DAYTON SCHOOL CLOSURES DAYTON -- In the event of an emergency or school clo- sure, please go to for information. Once you log on to, select View News from the participating organization (upper left hand corner). Then select Tri-Cities on the map and Columbia County School Districts, finally, Select Dayton School District. Any posted message will appear on this page. If, families want to receive an automatic email or text message, click the subscribe button and follow the directions. If you have any questions please call the district office at 382-2543 and ask for Jana. You can also tune to the following stations for information on school closures: KHQ TV Channel 6, KREM TV Channel 2, KNDU TV Channel 25, KXLY TV Channel 4, KTEL Radio AM 1490, KUJ Radio AM 1420, KTEL Radio FM, KXRX Radio FM 97.1, KGTS Radio FM 93.1, KHSS Radio FM 101, KIOK Radio FM 95.0, KUJ Radio FM 95.7.
NEW YEAR'S EVE AT LIBRARY DAYTON - The Dayton Memorial Library will host a free New Year's Eve party for all ages at the library at 7 p.m. on New Year's Eve at the library. There will be games/Legos, family movies and dancing. Please bring a finger food to share and your own non-alcoholic beverage.
SALVATION ARMY GIVING TREE WALLA WALLA -- The Salvation Army's Giving Tree will be located at Inland Octopus. Donations of new, un- wrapped toys and gifts for needy children from infants to children age 12 will be greatly appreciated. The tree will remain at the shop until Dec. 19. Inland Octopus is located at 7 East Main St. For further information contact Bob Catsiff at 509-526-0115 or
SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED SPOKANE -- Inland Northwest Community Foundation is currently accepting applications from high school seniors and college students seeking academic scholarships for higher education in the 2013-2014 school year. Scholarship awards are typically between $500 and $2,000 supporting students in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Most ap- plications are due by March 1 with the majority of the awards being announced by May. Scholarship details are available on the foundation's website,, or by calling the Grants & Scholarship Department at 509-624-2606.
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