DAYTON - The Dayton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is seeking a new board member to begin in 2013. The terms are for two years. Board members are required to be current Chamber members as either individuals or as a business.
The board of directors meet twice monthly on the first and third Wednesday at noon at varying locations in Dayton. A commitment to this community and the ability to represent the needs of Chamber members is imperative.
The board tries to represent a cross-section of our business community, but all interested will be considered. For more information, please contact the Dayton Chamber at 509-382- 1681 or
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg middle school students recently conducted a food drive contest to see which grade could bring in the most for the Waitsburg Resource Center.
The food drive started on Nov. 26 and ended on Dec. 7. The 8th grade was in the lead until the last day of the drive when the 7th grade pulled ahead and won the contest. The food bank benefited with 724 pounds of new food and sup- plies.
WALLA WALLA - In the past few months, the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office has experienced an increase in residential and rural building burglaries in and around the county. The trend was quickly identified and a strategy was developed to attempt to prevent future burglaries as well as arrest those responsible and return stolen property to their rightful owners.
Recently, the Sheriff's Office and Walla Walla Police Department have made several arrests and served search warrants related to these burglaries. Several hundred items of property have been seized which the Sheriff's Office believes are items stolen in these crimes. This is an ongoing criminal investigation and the Sheriff is asking for the public's help.
If members of our community have been the victim of a theft or burglary which was not reported, the Sheriff's Office is asking that this crime be reported to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. Several stolen items have already been returned to their owners. The Sheriff's Office is continu- ing the process of matching seized items to specific crimes and victims. When a suspected match is made, the Sheriff's Office will contact the possible owner and ask them to come identify their property.
This case is a reminder as we head into the holiday season to be sure to record and keep the make, model, serial num- bers, and photo or description of valuables in a safe location. As much as possible, please try to keep firearms locked or secured in some manner to prevent theft. And, as with every holiday season, we urge people to attempt to not make their home and their vehicle an attractive target to thieves. Next- is a free online service which some Walla Walla County neighborhoods are already using as a virtual online neighborhood watch.
WALLA WALLA - Fort Walla Walla Museum has brought together scores of original Civil War artifacts from private collections - including several unusual and extreme- ly rare items - for a special short-term exhibit titled "Civil War: From the Battlefield to the Home." The exhibit opens December 20 and continues through February 2013.
During the height of the Civil War, Walla Walla was only a tiny, newly incorporated town far from the scene of battle, but its citizens watched as troops headed out from Fort Walla Walla for the East to join up with the Union Army.
The museum's exhibit is designed to give visitors a feel- ing for what ordinary life was like at the time, both for those soldiers and for their families on the home front. Nearly 300 items carried by Union soldiers and more than 80 articles used at home are featured.
Visitors will see separate displays of items used by ar- tillery, cavalry and infantry soldiers, as well as a large as- sortment of firearm accessories, belt buckles, buttons, and personal items. And history comes to life as well in a wide array of objects carried into battle, from weapons and ac- couterments to a portable shaving mirror and a bone-handled tooth brush.
Fort Walla Walla Museum is located at 755 Myra Road. Admission is free to members, $5 for children ages 6-12, $6 for students and ages 62 and up, and $7 for adults. The mu- seum is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily through December 23, and on weekdays from January 2 through March. For more information see
WALLA WALLA - While the Museum can occasionally borrow items for short term special exhibits, staff eagerly seeks donations of Civil War related and other early U.S. military material to use in the rotating exhibits. Some time ago a military logbook documenting visitors to Fort Walla Walla turned up at a local antique show. This book was re- ported to local collector and historian Fred Mitchell, but it was sold before he could acquire it. The staff at Fort Walla Walla Museum is very interested in learning the whereabouts of this important historical record.
For more information or photos related to this story con- tact Nancy Parry, (509) 525-7703.VIL WAR EXHIBIT
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