Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago December 19, 2002

A new Historic Resources Coordinating Committee has been formed to provide expertise in reviewing historical brochures, increasing the accessibility of historical resources and helping fill gaps in the history of our area. The committee includes representatives of various local institutions involved in valley history, and is being coordinated by the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of commerce, which took the lead in bringing the group together."We all have been following our passion for history and now we have an opportunity to work together to increase the impact of our effort," says James Payne, Executive Director of Fort of Walla Walla Museum. "I am very impressed by the significant efforts of numerous individuals and organizations to chronicle our history. It is very exciting to have all these people in one room. The en- ergy level was incredible," said Payne. The committee plans on cataloging the information in a database designed to store facts, figures, pictures and audio files. "Our goal is to make this easily accessible. We are hoping to work with a student or students from one or more of the colleges to help us put this database together," said Larry Dodd, Archivist for Whitman College. "Ease of access for anyone interested in the history of the Walla Walla Valley will be the key."

Twenty-Five Years Ago December 17, 1987

A special Christmas Band Concert will be presented on December 16 at 8:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. Music Director Tom Wenfeldt said that this will include numbers by the 5th Grade Band, the 6th Grade Band, and the Junior-Senior High Band. Also on the program will be a piano recital by students in the extra-curricular piano class. A Christmas Program with the theme "Sharing Is the Best Gift of All," will be presented on Monday evening, December 21 at 7:00p.m. Admission will be a can of food which will go into the school effort to aid the needy in this area. The First and Second Grades will present Christmas songs on handmade drums. "Sing out the Season" will be presented by grades Three through Six. The musical was written by Mary Ann Lightfoot. Following the presentation there will be a re- ception for the children and their parents in the Grade school Multi-Purpose Room, with cookies, coffee and punch. The public is invited to these musical presentations.

Fifty Years Ago December 21, 1962

The Touchet Valley Grain Growers are in the process of building additional grain elevators at Menoken and Harsha, and complete the new unit at Prescott. Four hundred children and adults are expected to be in the Legion Hall this Saturday for the annual community Christmas Party. Jim Swanger willact as master of ceremonies and the Rev. Darrell Syferd will lead the singing. The hall is being prepared by the Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls will usher. Festive Christmas lighting brightens the night on all the streets of the residential district and in the business district of Waitsburg. Although the snow is missing the spirit of Christmas is evident in every part of town.

Seventy-Five Years Ago December 24, 1937

The Busy Bee Club met with Mrs. Jesse Craig on Friday afternoon and assisting hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Moor, Mrs. Ralph Lloyd and Mrs. R.C. Bode. Guessing games were played with prizes going to Mrs. A.G. Loundagin and Mrs. Will Wardrip. There was a Christmas Community Party last Saturday evening was very much of a success all the way through. Several hundred children showed up to see Santa Claus at 5:15. At 6 o'clock in the dining hall of the Odd Fel- lows Hall, the serving of supper was commenced. About 400 hundred were in attendance. A program followed at 8' o clock and the evening ended with dancing for all.

One Hundred Years Ago December 20, 1912

Fred Bachmann, one of our prosperous young farmers living in Wilson Hollow about 7 miles south east of this city entertained a number of his friends at a little "stag" dinner last Saturday evening. He was assisted by his brother Theo- dore and the DeLorimer boys, Bob and Bert. O.V. Langdon this week sold Palm club which includes his stock of cigars, tobacco, candies etc. and pool, billiard and card tables to Messrs. J.L. Miller and W.H. Newman. Over 4000 Red Cross Christmas Seals have been sold in the city of Waitsburg. The fifth grade team of Ronald Wayde, Ester Beightol, Helen Singer and Ralph Loundagin, having sold 1556.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago December 23, 1887

Scarlet fever is prevalent to an alarming extent all around us. Parents, if you would save precious jewels, look well to the sanitary condition of their every surrounding. Carefully observe the laws of health, and keep their system in a healthy condition. Uncle Mark Olds had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse several days ago breaking a rib, but he is able to be up and about. George Bickelhaupt, a recent arrival from Minnesota, has purchased the Niger-wool Lewis place, north of this city. B.W. Smith, a brother of our Charlie and Jack, ar- rived on Wednesday evening from St. Paul, Ore. Waitsburg, it would seem, is fated to be ever supplied with Smiths.


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