Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

December 26, 2002

The Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committeewill meet at 7 p.m. Monday, December 30, at the firesideroom in Ye Town Hall. The ad hoc committee of the City ofWaitsburg, which typically meets on the fourth Wednesday ofeach month, will meet on December 30 due to the holidays,according to Ross Hamann, chairman of the committee.

On the agenda is a review of the Request for Proposals(RFP) process which was recently initiated. The commit-

tee, initially named the Waitsburg Downtown RevitalizationCommittee, has developed funds from the Washington Of-

fice of Trade and Economic Development in the amount of$15,000 plus $2,500 from the City of Waitsburg and $7,500from the Port of Walla Walla.Numerous organizations have responded to the RFP todevelop a design plan for Waitsburg's downtown corridor.Also on the agenda will be an update on the status of WaitsMill. The public is invited to attend.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 24, 1987

R.E. "tiny" Jorgensen said that he wished to express a"Thank You" to the following persons who donated moneyto help on the community portion of the cannery buildingfeasibility study.Those who donated through the Lions Club campaign:

Jim and Lynn Wood, Waitsburg Pharmacy, Waitsburg TVCable, Chapter BE - PEO, Robert Sickles, McGregor, Rain-

ier Bank, Ken and Dorothy Gohlman, LeidFord DistributingCo., Odako Club, Dr. S.R. Hevel, Ruth and Wayne Peterson,Ellsworth Conover, DeNova Club, Waitsburg Grocery, BlueMountain Insurance, Touchet Valley Grain Growers, BreaAg and E-Lyn Farms. Bob Jameson said that he has receiveddonations totally $975 from: E-Z Way, Milton and MaxineMercer, L&J Farms, Joe McCown, Jr., Hubbard Law Offices,George Hinchliffe, B & M Grocery and The Times.The total pledged, so far, has been $1,975. The WaitsburgCommercial Club voted to underwrite the balance of the$2,500 needed for the community portion of the study funds.

Fifty Years Ago

December 28, 1962

The annual Waitsburg Volunteer Fireman's Dance will beheld Monday evening, Dec. 31 at the Legion Hall with BillHopwood's orchestra furnishing the music. Santa visitedwith 430 youngsters when he was in Waitsburg Saturdayafternoon. He was assisted by the Boy Scouts and the CampFire Girls. The Waitsburg Rainbow girls entertained theirguests and friends at the formal dance Wednesday evening.The theme was "Silhouettes and Starlight" with music byCarl Brittain's orchestra.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 24, 1937

Percy Muirhead, auto mechanic, is erecting a servicestation on Coppei Avenue, at Eighth Street next to E.M. Bu-

roker's property, on a lot he just purchased. McKay schoolpresented its Christmas program Dec. 21st under the direction of Miss Lois Crall. Taking part were Dorothy Mae Land,Cecil Gagnon, Bobby Parvin, Barbara Cockburn, DudleyKirk, Monte Shaffer, Ellen Gagnon, Bob Pettichord, Don-

ald Gagnon, Norman Kirk, Richard Pettichord and Mary

Ann Shaffer. The Waitsburg Phantom basketball team wasdefeated Tuesday night by the Walla Walla Ramblers by ascore of 51-30.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 27, 1912

It is worth considerable surprise that the people of thiscommunity will learn that Mr. J.L. Harper has disposed ofhis sixth interest in Preston-Shaffer Milling Company, thesame being purchased by Mr. W.B. Shaffer, manager of thecompany. COW WANTED- I have a splendid rubber tiredremovable top buggy and set of single harness which I desireto exchange for a good cow. Ellis B. Harris.Harvey Stonecipher was in town Saturday from his homein Spring Valley driving his new car. Harvey has recentlypurchased a 1913 model Chalmers Detroit "six" - a 48-horse

power, 7 passenger machine, and this handsome car was inthe center of an admiring group here Saturday.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 30, 1887

Miss Mattie Eggleston unintentionally ran against a barbwire fence last Thursday night cutting her face badly. Bornnear Dixie December 20 to Mr. and Mrs. James Aylward ason. Mrs. Amanda Rees of Butteville, Ore. Arrived in the cityon Wednesday evening on a visit to her son, David C. Rees. Ateam belonging to Will Marvin feeling the effect of too muchoats, took a little spin last Tuesday.Mr. Marvin held tenaciously to the bits for a time, but atlast was compelled to let go, the wagon knocking him downand running over him. Fortunately he was not badly hurt, norwas the wagon or the horses. Born in Dayton December 19,1887, to the wife of Grant Mays, a daughter.


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