"It's a sign of the timeshellip;" we often hear and say in observance of just about anything we don't particu- larly agree with. The irony of course is that the criticism comes equally from oppos- ing views on the same issue. Both young and old, conser- vative and liberal, religious and atheist alike claim this judgmental position as their own; neither admitting fault in their perspective; both claiming moral superiority, albeit from differing authori- ties.
Gun-control, National debt, Fashion-styles, music, language, and love - all draw ample commentary, replete with emotion and often lacking in facts.
Have you ever found your- self speaking out on a topic or issue without really knowing all of the facts? Just running on the emotional charge you've attached to the sub- ject? I know I've been guilty. My kids have accused me of it, and rightly so at times, when I react to a convenient and limited amount of infor- mation. I've also been the target of ill-informed critics, who are quick to levy judg- ment without consideration of the whole.
I've learned to ask a lot of questions before jumping to conclusions, a discipline that has served me well in the home, the church, at work, and in my civic duties. It's not an excuse for apathy, nor a substitute for decisive lead- ership. It's a sign of maturity and wisdom, attributes that I try to develop in myself and to instill in my kids.
With the coming of a new year I am expecting more from myself. I should engage vigorously, but armed with sufficient information on important issues affecting my family, and my commu- nity. So the next time, I catch myself "tsk-tsk'ing" and shaking my head at the news, and uttering that familiar re- frain, I'm going to ask myself "Do I have enough informa- tion to make a fair and just decision on this topic?" And "Is the information I have ac- curate?"
There are a number of important issues facing our community and nation in 2013. It's worth taking the time to investigate. I'm mak- ing it a goal this year to have ears to hear the whole Truth, eyes to see things from an eternal perspective, and a tongue to speak words that are beneficial to others.
K.C. KuykendallWaitsburg
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