GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPDAYTON - Teeny McMunn will be leading a grief sup-
port group in Dayton from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22,at the Congregational Church at 214 S. Third Street in Day-
ton. The group will follow the Walla Walla Hospice formatworking with the book "Understanding Your Grief." Anyonestruggling with grief is invited to consider joining the group.For more information, call McMunn at 386- 5287. McMunnalso leads a group that meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thurs-
days at the Congregational Church. The group has alreadyworked through the book and is open to anyone interested injoining them.
DAYTON - Join fellow professionals and chamber mem-
bers to support two established Dayton businesses. Learnmore about the changes both of these businesses are imple-
menting to make themselves more marketable and profitablein a challenging economy. Chat with their employees, old andnew, while enjoying good food and beverages. Business AfterHours will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9,at Windemere Blue Mountain Realtors. Business After Hoursis co-hosted by the Weinhard Café.
SPOKANE - Inland Northwest Community Foundationannounced the opening of the Palouse Region/Pullman Com-
munity Grant Program starting Jan. 7 through Feb. 19. Grantsup to $5,000 are made to nonprofit organizations serving thePalouse Region and Pullman area.Eligible applicants serving arts, culture, and humanities,education, civic and community development, and health andhuman services sectors are welcomed.
Preference is given to programs that accomplish one ormore of the following elements: improve the ability of peopleto help themselves and become self-sufficient and produc-
tive members of the community, increase positive connec-
tions and relationships among people, take cooperative andcollaborative approaches to community issues, and enablecommunity institutions to be responsive to and inclusive ofall members of the community.
To learn more about the grant program, visit the "Receive"section of the Foundation's Web site at
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