Columbia County Board of Commissioners
When: January 16
10:01 Columbia County Public Works
Authorized New Projects
Engineer Technician 4 Job Opening-proposed the promotion of Seth Walker to Tech 4 job position.-Authorized
Title 6 Non-Discrimination Agreement-Approved
2012 Bridge Report
Adopt Employee Hand- book-updates to Employ- ee handbook Resolution 2013-07-Adopted
Courthouse Motor Pool Ve- hicle- Road Levy Certification for 2013-Authorized to sign for 2013
Executive Session - RCW 42.30.140(4)- 10 min. no actions were taken
Miscellaneous- 1) Commissioner Reeves moved to reappoint Jean Nelson to the ALTC Columbia County Advisory Council, the motion unanimously carried.
11:00 Columbia County Sheriff Walt Hessler
Staffing- Walt Hessler in- formed the Commissioners that he and Carole Sleeman will be retiring from their positions on June 30th, 2013.
11:15 Columbia County Public Health
Public Hearing: Fee schedule changes-moved to pass Resolution #2103-08 regard- ing Public health fee schedule increases. Unanimously car- ried.
11:25 Emergency Services Director Lisa Caldwell
Communications Holiday Policy- Adopted
Authorization to hire Relief Dispatcher/EM/HLS Program Manager-Approved job de- scriptions CCPSC with salary wages as listed.
Authorization to hire on- call dispatchers-Approved
FY12 Homeland Security Contract-Authorized SHSP equipment grant
EM/E911 Update
12:00 Break for Lunch
1:15 Columbia County Planning and Building
Public Hearing: Blue Mountain Station - Site devel- opment Plan-SDP-2013-001- Approved
2:15 Blue Mountain Action Counsel-Community Services Director Kathy Covey (by phone)
Consolidated Homeless Grant-Authorized payment of $10,000 for affordable housing to project Timothy.
2:50 Columbia County Au- ditor Sharon Richter
Personal items
3:00 Fair Board Appoint- ments- Accepted Leann Lit- eral, Kames Quade, and Richard Jones Jr. to the Columbia County Fair Board.
WSAC - general and trans- portation dues:
Annual General dues $2,537.00
Annual Assessment for Timber Coordinator $840.00
Indigent Defense Services Contract
Carole Sleeman discussed her retirement.
Rea Culwell and Julie Karl discussed SEP contract and wage increases.-Accepted
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