Columbia County Board of Commissioners When: February 6, 2013
Columbia County Public Works: Inter-local agreement with Asotin County was ap- proved. Courthouse pool ve- hicle was approved. Cellular telephone policy discussion was tabled to a later date. Bid was opened for 2013 chemical supply contractor and referred to engineer. Executive session on union negotiations was held.
Emergency Management: Relief dispatcher pay scale was previously approved. Resolu- tion on 2013-10: Holiday Policy for Dispatch was approved.
Blue Mountain Action Council: Steve Moss & Kathy Covey gave updates on the Homelessness Grant.
Columbia County Fair Board: Discussion took place regarding a new hire. Two board members, Charles Amer- ien and Myrle Myrick, were removed.
Columbia County Public Health: Contract was approved.
Miscellaneous: Discussion on prosecutor's employee sal- ary. There was "no comment" on request for WA State liquor license renewal by The Last Resort. A retirement letter from Carole Sleeman was accepted. Dale Polla, Columbia County Hospital District CEO, was ap- pointed to Eastern WA Partner- ship Workforce Development Council. Amendments to zon- ing code ORD2013-01 were approved. Columbia County Rural Library District's request to reappoint a board member was approved.
Dayton School Board Minutes When: February 6, 2013
Received a donation of $400 from Owen and Jan Agenbroad to Youth and Government. Dan Nechodom was approved as Head HS Track coach.
Reports: Written reports were submitted by both principals. Report from DA Davidson (Bond Consultant) has been moved to March 6.
Superintendent: Bleacher Committee will hold its second meeting on February 13 to determine final plans and recommend vendor to the Superintendent. Supt. Johnson has submitted a grant for funds to pay for the Study and Survey (required to qualify for state matching funds) which was ap- proved last week and is to occur in April. Construction Services Group has prepared a Request for Qualifications document for architects and engineers interested in Dayton's potential project. Results of the districtrequested safety audit by Canfi eld and Associates regarding lockdowns and evacuations should be available by the end of February. The District pur- chased a 2006 Impala, which awaits inspection by the State Patrol.
Executive Session: Thirty minutes was taken for discus- sion with Legal Counsel.
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