Dear Editor:
I am the President of the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Search & Res- cue. We have received several questions about a phone and mail solicitation by Search & Rescue Charities. Citizens have reported being pressured to contribute to this group. They were offended when they found it was not our local search & rescue group as implied in the phone call and mailed materials. Search & Rescue Charities donation requests are mailed from Olympia, asking that contributions be sent "lo- cally" to 1934 E. Isaacs, PMB230. From there, it is forwarded to an unknown location in Eastern Wash- ington.
Walla Walla County Sheriff's Search & Res- cue does not solicit funds with cold calls or mass mailings. Our members go through a rigorous application and training process to become cer- tified search & rescue personnel. We are vol- unteers who provide our own search gear, time, transportation and other expenses. Our function is to assist with search efforts to find lost or missing persons. We take that role very seriously.
I assure you that the funds we raise (primarily through ticket sales and member dues) go directly to those search efforts, member training and local public awareness efforts. I would encourage you to use caution in donating to this out of town orga- nization and keep your search & rescue charitable donations local. Please feel free to contact me, 509-301-7525, or contact the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office, 240 West Alder, Walla Walla, WA 99362. If you wish to contribute to the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Search and Rescue please take contributions to the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office. Checks should be made out to Walla Walla County Sheriff's Search & Rescue. We value and appreciate your support and are dedicated to serve our community.
Margaret Schacht
President, Walla Walla County Sheriff's Search & Rescue
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