Prescott Joint Parks & Recreation District Min- utes
January 14, 2013
Reports: Record Hours Commissioners volun- teered this month: Commissioners hours volunteered this month were: 24; community volunteer hours this month = 5 hours by Doug Warnock to plan, facilitate and make a report for the Strategic Planning session Jan. 3.
Correspondence re- ceived: From the Association of Washington Cities report- ing we have no outstanding claims at this time. There was also a report of previous claims back to 2012-1989 totaling $5949.96. This was $4693.85 for a broken pipe in 2007 and $1255.41 for a wrecked lawn mower in 2010.
Unfinished Business:
Risk Management School - Manage Conlee reported a good Risk management school in Bellevue. He has a list of recommendations including:
- Have a Risk Manage- ment plan in place using policy and procedures
- Suggest background checks on adult guards, start with Washington State Patrol reports, need to remember that WSP reports do not show arrests, only convictions.
- Len plans to set up a maintenance log for 2013, documenting inspections by staff members.
- Learned procedure to receive and how to process claims
- Learned about term Recreational immunity. If a fee is paid for activity PJPRD is not immune. If it is free activity we are immune.
- Special Events need to be reviewed and analyze beforehand; have a contract with users. Decide if event warrants any deposit for damage.
- Notebook of all the pre- sentations and speakers has been printed out from online source and is available in the office.
Sherwood Trust - Chemtrol machine and probes purchased with funds received from the Sherwood Trust grant was to be shipped today. Formation of Re- placement Reserve Fund of $10,000 The Auditor's office as numbered this account as # 83,000.
Federal mandate on ADA pool lift - Reported telephone call with the offi cials at Justice stating we must comply; can try to claim hardship but they weren't very promising about that strategy. Bids range between $7,500 for a portable or $5,500 for stationary lift. There would also be the need to adjust the slope of the wading pool for easy access by handicapped people. No action was taken.
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