Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago February 27, 2003

The Blue Mountain Snowmobile Club of Dayton is spon- soring a Bucket-Run for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Washington State on Sunday, March 2 at 10 a.m. The event will originate from the Touchet Corral Snow Park located on the North Touchet Road, before the Bluewood entrance. Donations will be accepted on behalf of Make-A-Wish. Games for snowmobilers will be held in the Godman area, and lunch will be available at the Godman shelter for all bucket-run participants. For additional information contact Daryl McCauley at 522-6804. Make-A-Wish recipient in 2002 was Coe Richards, son of Brian and Wendy (Davis) Richards of Kingston, Wash., and grandson of Glynn and Carol Davis of Waitsburg, and the late Donna Davis.

Twenty-Five Years Ago February 25, 1988

Lions members entertained daughters and sons Tuesday night at the annual sibling banquet, with everyone winning prizes during the evening. Two Grand Prize winners were Ken Miller and Loyal Baker, who each got a whole pie - straight in the face. Loyal's son, Matthew, saw his father go white in the face immediately, and didn't like it a bit. Lion President Bill Zuger announced that the Lions Spring Conference will be held this year in Richland on March 18- 20. Reservations for the meeting are due in by March 16. Zuger named a Nominating Committee of Wayne Peterson, Jack McCaw, Ken Cole and Orville Branson to come up with a slate of officers for the 1988-89 year. He suggested if anyone had an idea of a good candidate, they should contact a member of the committee. Zuger said there is a definite need for candidates for both Zone Chairman and District Governor in this area. Any interested persons should contact him. Kathy Payne made an appeal early in the meeting for a good turnout at the Red Cross Blood Drawing at the Grade- school on Friday, February 16 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. She said that several Lions had given many times: Bill Zuger, Bob Danforth, Bob Jameson, John Payne, Glynn Davis, Scott Branson, Sid Conner, Louis Gagnon, Joe McMillen and Guy McCaw. Lion Glynn Davis challenged the "Young Bucks" to a blood draw contest, claiming that "We will ship your backsides Friday." Lion John Kenney, speaking for the "Young Bucks," said they would enter the contest if it would mean 50 pints (or was it points) in the visitation contest. John said that he thought the "Old Duffers" would be stuck in this matchup. He was too kind do conjure up visions of fish-heads and rice, however.

Fifty Years Ago March 1, 1963

An organizational meeting was held in Waitsburg Friday night at the Legion Club in Waitsburg under the sponsorship of the Prescott Lions Club. Fifteen members have registered for the membership which is the required number to form an organization. A "charter night" is scheduled for March 23. Officers elected for the local group are Bob Sickles, president; Bill Zuger, treasurer; and Ervin Ely, secretary. The purpose of the organization is primarily a service club operated for community betterment.

Seventy-Five Years Ago March 4, 1938

Fred and Theodore Bachmann received word Saturday that their father, John Bachmann, has passed away that day at Marion, Illinois. Mr. Bachmann was 93 years old and was very remarkable for one his age. Bert Butler, of Waitsburg, was among those who received committee appointments at a recent meeting of the Associated Students of the State College of Washington. Miss Mary Elizabeth Walker was able to return home on last Wednesday, recovering from her recent operation. The annual formal banquet of the Young People of the Christian Church was held in the church basement Friday evening. Virgil Bode acted as toastmaster. Others taking part in the program were Elmer Berland, Evelyn Mills, Phyllis Danielson, Claude Hand Jr., Vivian Backmann, Virginia Rineheart and Virginia Bloor.

One Hundred Years Ago February 28, 1913

Hon. W. G. Preston, president of the Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. and resident of Waitsburg for nearly half a century, has given authority for the erection of a three story building on the public school campus to be completed and turned over to the public school authorities. It is hoped that the construction will be started in April and the building finished by the opening of school in September. Mrs. Robert Ault, Mrs. Ira Bruce and Mrs. Donahue of Dayton, visited A. G. Loundigan and family last week. Emory Hoover ar- rived home last week from a visit of several months with relatives at New Holland, Penn. Mr. H. M. Hoover and daughter, Miss Anna, are expected to reach home next week.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago March 2, 1888

Born in this city, Feb. 26, to the wife of J. B. Caldwell was a ten pound boy. Dr. Simons, mother and child doing exceedingly well and John bears his honors bravely. J. C. Smith and S. G. Marvin left on Monday morning for the Okanogan country to seek their fortunes in the rich mines of the region. We hope to see them return laden with wealth. Miss Anna Jessup will begin her school in Lower McKay Hollow next Monday. We will miss her very much but we wish her success in all her undertakings. Numerous of our citizens visited Walla Walla and Dayton early in the week for the purpose of contributing to the expense fund of the county. Some complain of these taxes being too high, while a few we know of are chuckling in their sleeves and rejoic- ing that they were not assessed at all.


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