The Liberty Theater started the month with the Oscar-winning comedy/drama, "Silver Lin- ings Playbook." The rest of the month will bring crime, excitement, humor and some animation to entertain the masses this March.
This weekend, the crime thriller "Side Effects" will be playing. The film stars Rooney Mara, Channing Ta- tum and Jude L aw and was directed by Stev en Soder- bergh. When Emily Taylor's husband is sent to prison, she suffers from severe depres- sion that persists after her husband returns home. But the medication has deadly side effects, causing Taylor to do things in a sleepwalk- ing state that will forever change her life and cause her doctor to reevaluate the experimental drug, Ablixa.
"Side Effects" will play March 15, 16, 17 and 19 at the Liberty Theater.
Starting on March 22, a quippy comedy will hit the screen. "Quartet" stars Mag- gie Smith, Michael Gambon and Billy Connolly, and was directed by Dustin Hoffman.
The film revolves around a retirement home for musicians shaken up by the arriv- al of a former opera star and ex- wife of one of the residents. As the annual birthday concert for Verdi ap- proaches and tensions build, the show must go on.
"Quartet" will play March 22, 23, 24 and 26.
To round out the month of grown-up movies, "Escape From Planet Earth" will open March 29.
The film stars Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jessica Alba and was directed by Cal Brunker.
When the national hero of a blue alien race comes to the aid of an SOS beacon on planet earth, he is caught in a trap. The alien and others trapped in Area 51 are trying to escape and reveal Earth's best kept secret.
"Escape From Planet Earth" will play March 29, 20, April 2 and 3. The theater will be closed on Easter.
For more information on movies playing this month, visit
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