I n last month's review of SketchUp, I credited the discovery to Pinter- est. Truth be known, nearly all displays of astounding creativity and impressive know-how on my part can be attributed to Pinterest.
For those unaware, Pin- terest is a visual bookmarking site with a social twist. Users create "boards" in different categories, then "pin" relevant photos and captions. A click on the photo takes you to the original blog or website. Unlike browser bookmarks which often leave me mystified as to why I saved a particular link, a graphic and description provide immediate recall. When I need a dairy-free dessert, I browse my "Al- lergy-Friendly" board until something strikes my fancy. A quick "click" and I'm at the original site, printing a recipe. If I were especially fond of desserts I could devote an entire board to "Allergy-Friendly Desserts"; categories can be as broad or narrow as de- sired.
The social aspect of Pinterest is what makes it a true treasure-trove. Upon login, the site displays pins from other users which you may "repin" to your own boards. As you do, you'll have the option to view the boards of the original "pinner". If you like them, you may "follow" that pinner and their pins will then show on your home page. Assume, however, that I love the DIY tips from a specific pinner, but am not particularly concerned with her tattoo or high heel preferences. No problem. Rather than "follow all", I simply choose the specific boards of interest to me.
I utilize this method with my homeschooling resources, keeping boards for individual subjects and following teachers who post excellent resources (like SketchUp). However, since classroom organization and parent communication are not an issue for me, I "unfollow" those boards. Over time, Pinterest displays increasingly relevant links, making it a personalized search engine, of sorts.
The practical uses of Pinterest are innumerable. I cur- rently have 54 boards with over 3,000 pins in a variety of categories from "Organi- zation" to "Photography". When explaining to my hus- band that I'd prefer a wood- en half door to the prisonlike baby gate we're using to corral my infant nephew, I visited my "Décor" board and pulled up a picture of what I had in mind. On Superbowl Sunday, my "Pa- leo" board provided snack recipes that met the dietary restrictions of friends and family. I even referenced Pinterest via my phone when visiting Jacci's Yarn Basket, seeking her help in selecting an appropriate alternative to the prohibitively expensive yarn recommended in a scarf pattern.
A "graduation party" search presented me with perfectly themed cupcakes for a young friend's celebra- tion, and I referenced my "Tips and Tricks" board for a refresher on using hot glue to create temporarily tiered serving dishes. Pinterest is an excellent tool for orga- nizing ideas and resources for remodeling, decorating, gardening and landscaping projects. I've even heard of couples who use it to keep track of house-hunting possibilities.
My daughter also uses Pinterest, allowing me to see her fashion preferences. Now, rather than being off- base 90% of the time with my clothing suggestions, I'm hitting closer to 50%. Those of you with teen daughters will recognize that is no small thing.
I have a "Those Were the Days" board with just-for- fun pins of Rosanne Rosanadana, hypercolor T-shirts and Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum, as well as a "Products I Love" board with links to in- novative items like flat exten- sion cords to run under rugs and power strips with rotat- ing sockets. I'll even admit to pinning Fart Be Gone! Flatu- lence Deodorizer Pads (yes, they exist!) simply because it makes me smile every time I see it. Pinterest also allows a few hidden boards if you'd like to pin gift ideas or keep an embarrassing obsession under wraps.
As you can see, Pinterest is a highly practical tool as well as a frugal entertainment option. I would be remiss, however, if I don't alert you that it is known to be highly addictive. Consider yourself warned, and feel free to visit me at Pinterest.com/ redmom6/. nia!
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