DAYTON - While teen cigarette smoking and drink- ing is down state-wide ac- cording to a recent Healthy Use Survey, Columbia County teens have stagnated and increased in these risky behaviors.
The recent Healthy Use Survey distributed by the Department of Social and Health Services measured substance abuse along with risk factors in youth across the state and the re- sults in Columbia County are cause for a refocus in local communities.
The bi-annual survey was administered across the state to more than 200,000 youth in October 2012 and the results are available online broken down by county and educational school district. The survey requires 40 per- cent of area high schools to participate, which Walla Walla county was unable to meet for the 2012 survey. In Columbia County, 109 students participated in the study, about 61 percent of students in grades six, eight, 10 and 12 in the Dayton School District, according to Healthy Use Survey results posted online.
Results from the last sur- vey, conducted in 2010, demonstrated Walla Walla county students using illicit drugs and prescription drugs at higher rates than Columbia County students at all ages surveyed while stu- dents in Columbia County reported higher cigarette and alcohol usage than students in Walla Walla County at all ages surveyed.
Blue Mountain Counseling Prevention Coordinator Laura Tolman said the sur- veys submitted by students are rigorously screened for validity with in-depth meth- ods for determining honesty from students.
Tolman said the survey numbers are surprising. But not all of the results were gloom and doom, though. Students reported lower obe- sity rates in Columbia County than the rest of the state as well as high physical activ- ity and fewer hours playing video games.
To view 2010 survey re- sults, visit Sheets.
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