Waitsburg Commercial Club
March 19, 2013
Minutes of the Annual Meeting and Election of Executive Officers and Board of Directors
36 attendees
Waitsburg Court will be elected in April with a queen and princess serving as ambassadors for the City of Waitsburg for one year.
The Waitsburg Commer- cial Club will hold a fundraising auction on April 27.
Duck race tickets to ben- efit Waitsburg Celebration Days (May 17, 18 and 19), will be available soon.
New members given cer- tificates and membership cards include: Fred Gonzales of Star Fitness; Waitsburg Grocery; Marcy and Lyle Perkins, Hiromi House and Waitsburg Business Center; Pacific Power; McGregor Company; Laht Neppur Brewery; and Sheila Emery.
Jeff Broom was presented with the annual Citizen Recognition for Community Service Award for his many volunteer contributions, in- cluding acting as head of the Commerce Committee of the Commercial Club and President of the Waitsburg His- torical Society and working tirelessly with the Downtown Development Committee.
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