Columbia County Board of Commissioners
March 20, 9:00 a.m.
Columbia County Commissioners are: Dwight Robanske, Michael Talbott, and Charles Reeves.
Courthouse maintenance issues were discussed: Fill-in help, window painting, window washing, exterior courthouse repair, camera for the cannons and miscellaneous.
Citizens are to be encouraged to report wolf sightings.
Public Health Funding proposal was approved.
Kim Lyonnais, as incoming planner, and Commissioner Talbott were authorized to represent the Board in working out an agreement with the City to combine planning services.
Dixie School District #101
March 18, 2013
Board members in attendance were: Gene Wilks, Javin Berg, Judy Skillings and Richard Barrier.
Heard report on grounds to finish up Captain Planet Grant with kids.
Current enrollment: 7 preschool students; 37 K-5 students. Motion to apply for a grant to help pay for building electrical plans was passed unanimously.
Motion to approve up to $1500.00 for building security passed unanimously.
Maternity leave request as per "Family Leave Act for the State of Washington" was passed unanimously.
Policy 1731: Board Member Expenses was passed unanimously.
Policy 4200: Safe and Orderly Learning Environment was passed unanimously.
Policy 1620: The Board- Superintendent Relationship policy was passed unanimously.
Policy 2121: Substance Abuse program policy was passed unanimously.
Policy 5006: Certification Revocation policy was passed unanimously.
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