Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Columbia County Board of Commis­sioners

March 20, 9:00 a.m.

Columbia County Com­missioners are: Dwight Ro­banske, Michael Talbott, and Charles Reeves.

Courthouse maintenance issues were discussed: Fill-in help, window painting, win­dow washing, exterior court­house repair, camera for the cannons and miscellaneous.

Citizens are to be encour­aged to report wolf sightings.

Public Health Funding proposal was approved.

Kim Lyonnais, as incom­ing planner, and Commis­sioner Talbott were autho­rized to represent the Board in working out an agreement with the City to combine planning services.

Dixie School District #101

March 18, 2013

Board members in at­tendance were: Gene Wilks, Javin Berg, Judy Skillings and Richard Barrier.

Heard report on grounds to finish up Captain Planet Grant with kids.

Current enrollment: 7 pre­school students; 37 K-5 stu­dents. Motion to apply for a grant to help pay for building electrical plans was passed unanimously.

Motion to approve up to $1500.00 for building secu­rity passed unanimously.

Maternity leave request as per "Family Leave Act for the State of Washington" was passed unanimously.

Policy 1731: Board Mem­ber Expenses was passed unanimously.

Policy 4200: Safe and Or­derly Learning Environment was passed unanimously.

Policy 1620: The Board- Superintendent Relationship policy was passed unani­mously.

Policy 2121: Substance Abuse program policy was passed unanimously.

Policy 5006: Certifica­tion Revocation policy was passed unanimously.


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