WAITSBURG - At the top of the Waitsburg City Council's agenda this Thurs- day night, 7 p.m., March 28, is the award of the bid for the Seventh Street project. Preparations for the streetwidening and improvement effort are expected to begin at the end of April and heavy excavation work will follow around Memorial Day.
Four older trees - two large pines, one large oak and a smaller oak - have been marked for removal, though adjacent homeowners can re- quest replacement trees from the city, City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said.
The city has also received two bids for the salvage of 50 tons of railroad steel from the portion of an abandoned line not far from the McGregor complex east of town. There too, the council will decide on the winning bid on Thurs- day.
Finally, Waitsburg house- holds may see a return of cardboard recycling thanks to a grant from the state's Department of Ecology for the city's acquisition of a bailer. The device will allow city crews to pack and store the cardboard until Waitsburg has enough for a semi load of the recyclable material. Hinchliffe said, a cardboard recycling bin may be in place in town by summer.
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