Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley



Toddler Storytime (everyMonday)

Dayton Memorial Li­brary 11 to 11:30 a.m.

Storytime for ages 1through 3 years.

Baby Storytime (everyMonday)

Dayton Memorial Li­brary 11:30 to 11:45 a.m.

Storytime for infants andcrawlers.


Preschool Storytime (ev­ery Tuesday)

Dayton Memorial Li­brary 10 to 10:30 a.m.

Storytime at the libraryfor ages 3 through 6 years.

Storytime (every Tues­day)

Prescott Library

2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Come for a story and acraft geared to preschoolchildren - but all ages arewelcome.

Wii Night

Prescott Library


Come to the library forWii Gaming the first twoTuesday's of every month.

Waitsburg CommercialClub

Waitsburg Town Hall,Main Street

6:30 p.m.

Please RSVP for dinner;$10 per person or dessertonly, $4 per person. RSVP toB.A. Keve at 509-387-6546or In­formation about WaitsburgCommercial Club can befound at http://www.cityofwaits­ or Waitsburg Com­mercial Club facebook page.


Storytime (every Thurs­day) Weller Public Library

10 to 11:15 a.m.

Weekly storytime gearedto preschoolers.

Waitsburg's ShoppingBag (1st & 3rd Thursdaysthrough Oct. 17)

Waitsburg Town Hall

9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Many exhibitors underone roof. Reserve tablewith Joy Smith 539-8773 oron Facebook, Waitsburg'sShopping Bag


Rock & Blues Jam

Coppei Café, Waitsburg

6:30 p.m.

All ages welcome.


Christian Women's Con­nection Luncheon

Pataha Flour Mill (MainFloor), Pomeroy

April 10 11: 30am -1:30pm

Cost: $10; Catered byPataha Flour Mills

Brenda Paterson of Cosmpopolis, WA will use humor as she shares about her transformation from at taunted, insecure, over­weight child into a woman of value and worth, secure in her inner beauty. Elaine Mader and John Van Voght will provide musical enter­tainment. Please make res­ervations with Judy Jackson at 509-399-2012 by April 5.

Waitsburg CommercialClub

Waitsburg Town Hall,Main Street

6:30 p.m.

Please RSVP for dinner;$10 per person or dessertonly, $4 per person. RSVP toB.A. Keve at 509-387-6546or


Bluegrass Jam

Coppei Café, Waitsburg

6:30 p.m.

All ages welcome.


Tour of Walla Walla Bi­cycle Race: Northwest Col­legiate Cycling Champion­ship

Enjoy the beautiful scen­ery and the exciting racing events at this annual bicycle race through town. Contact:


Walla Walla Valley BandsConcert

WWCC Performing ArtsAuditorium, 500 TausickWay, Walla Walla


Main Street and MillCreek Jazz Bands - WWCCPerforming Arts Auditorium


Commercial Club Fund­raiser Auction

Plaza Theater

Wine and cheese will beserved.


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