Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago March 27, 2003

A 16-year-old student from Waitsburg High School recently served as a Washington State Senate page in Olympia. Matt Baker, the son of Loyal and Kathy Baker of Waitsburg, had the opportunity to see politics up close last week as a page under the sponsorship of Sen. Mike Hewitt, R-16th District. "This is a good opportunity for kids to see what happens in the Legislature," said Baker of his experi- ence during the 10th week of the 2003 legislative session. "I had a good time on the Senate floor watching them debate." Baker and another page presented the colors at the opening of business on Wednesday, March 19.

Twenty-Five Years Ago March 24, 1988

A team of FFA kids competing in the Parliamentary Pro- cedure Contest took first place at Sub-District FFA Speak- ing Contest at Pomeroy on Mar. 15, then went to District at Colfax, Tuesday, Mar. 22, where they placed third. Un- fortunately, the first and second place teams continue on to regionals, said advisor Scott Branson. The team consists of Rachel Hinchliffe, Amy Branson, Sheila Davis, Lynne Car- penter, Amber McCaw and Angi Magill. In other events at sub-district, Amy Branson placed third in the prepared pub- lic speaking contest as did the Ritual Team, which consisted of Travis Larsen, Sandra Conover, Dwight Penner, Josh Wood, Angela Ferguson and Angel Adams. In the Creed Contest were Reuben Stokes, who placed fifth of 14, Sandy Conover (7th), and Josh Wood (9th).

Fifty Years Ago March 29, 1963

There are 49 more students this spring in the Waitsburg schools than there were a year ago, according to Superintendent Gerald Maib who reports the present enrollment to be 394. Superintendent Maib will attend the Inland Empire Teacher's Institute April 3-4-5 in Spokane which coincides with spring vacation. At this time all Waitsburg teachers plan to return to their present positions. The annual organization board meeting of the Waitsburg School Directors will be held April 10 when three new members will be sworn into service including Wm. Payne, Lee Mantz Jr., and Denney Neace. They will join Dr. Roger Hevel and Sam Hall to form thefive-manboardandelectachairmanonApril10.

Seventy-Five Years Ago April 1, 1938

Contractor Vogt with a crew of men tore down the Duncan house, corner of Orchard and West Sixth Streets this week. He is starting the erection of a modern house under the direction of Mrs. Emerson Wheeler, one of the heirs of the Duncan estate.

Wm. Wardrip is the successful applicant and has been awarded the four-year contract for carrying the mail on the Star Route out of this city through Prescott to Clyde and return.

Miss Lillie Hollowell arrived home Wednesday from a six month's visit with relatives in Indiana and other eastern states. She reports a very enjoyable visit and trip.

Mrs. India Neace, who has been in California during the winter months, has returned and is visiting her son, Donald Neace and family.

A large number of farmer neighbors and Grange mem- bers drove to Lowden Sunday to attend the surprise birthday anniversary of Mr. Ray Small. About 60 were present for the enjoyable party.

A deal was completed Monday whereby C. M. Walsh purchased the Emory Flathers farm on the Touchet river about three miles west of Prescott.

One Hundred Years Ago March 28, 1913

Students and alumni of the high school spent an enjoyable evening together Saturday night. A basketball game was played in the gymnasium with the "has beens" being defeated 18-8.

At the conclusion of the game, a banquet was served in the Christian Church at which were gathered students, alumni, faculty members and members of the Boardof Edu- cation. Glen Conover served as chairman of the committee in charge. Football letters were awarded by Mr. Ohelschlegel to Ralph Baim, Frank Danielson, Verl Keiser, Hobart Bruce, Alfred Hales, Earl McLaughlin, Alpha Fox, Louis Atkinson, Homer Martin, Ronald Fishback and Fred Ogden.

Mr. Frazier awarded basketball letters to Ellis Laidlaw, Homer Martin, Ralph Baim, Clyde Brotherton, Frank Danielson and Fred Ogden.

Miss Wagner, coach of the girl's basketball team, presented letters to Mildred Tabor, Grace Stonecipher, Dora Middleton, Lola Stonecipher, Ruth Cole and Isabelle Taylor.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago March 30, 1888

J. L. Dumas has purchased residence lots in the west part of the city, and, we understand, will erect a cage thereon this summer. He already has his eye on the most beautiful and lovely bird in the city, and is trying hard to capture it - her.

Smith and Marvin have purchased the vacant lot be- tween the meat market and Loundagin & Co's. grocery store and will soon begin the erection thereon of a brick building to be occupied by themselves as a meat market.

Samuel Hillis and family, Mr. Vining and family, George Dorting and Mr. Ludwig and family arrived in this city last Saturday night to cast their lot among us. They are the kind of people we like to see come and they are well pleased with Waitsburg, her people and surrounding coun- try.

Grandma Kennedy respectfully informs the ladies of Waitsburg and vicinity that she is agent for the Monarch washer and bleacher, the finest, most economical, and great- est labor-saving washer ever invented. She has a stock of these machines on hand, and sells them for the small sum of $3 - Try one.


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