Last week was one of those "Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink" weeks in terms of column material.
I was busy all week doing all kinds of fun things (it was Spring Break, after all), but all of the aforementioned fun things fall into one of three categories - A, not long enough to fill a whole column; B, too long to fill a column but not quite sus- penseful enough to serialize; and C, top-secret material not meant for civilian ears.
So, expressly for your benefit, I have condensed each day of my Spring Break week into a haiku. (Dis- claimer: I am no good at writing haikus, and you are thus forgiven if you turn the page and read the column of someone who actually stumbled upon viable subject material this week.)
Monday (the 1st):
Rubber snake near face cryptic message in toilet Happy April Fool's!
Tuesday (the 2nd):
Tried to sell tickets to Columbia County Fair's Kickoff Dinner
Wednesday (the 3rd):
Slept in way too late had bluegrass practice at 2 then resumed sleeping
Thursday (the 4th):
Interesting day I'd tell you all about it but I'm not s'posed to
Friday (the 5th):
Drove to Boise, ID saw Dad for first time this month
(That's not saying much.)
Saturday and Sunday (the 6th and 7th)
Saw downtown Boise went shopping; bought first blazer
Said "bye", drove back home
And that, in a nutshell, was my spring break.
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