Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago April 10, 2003 Waitsburg voters returned four incumbent City Coun- cil members to office and a former councilwoman edged out an incumbent, according to uncertified election results from Monday's Annual Election. The election, fueled by controversy surrounding the Coppei Avenue Project, the Main Street Overflow Project and a lawsuit challenging the legality of a second caucus, had the highest voter turnout in many years with voters giving a clear majority to the "For Waitsburg" Ticket. Treasurer Jean M. Hinchliffe was also re- elected. Elected to one-year terms were Mayor Randy Halley and council members Mark Shively, Martin Dunn, David Philbrook and Debara Whitmore. Bettie Chase, who served on the council from 1994 to 1997, fills the fifth street.

Twenty-Five Years Ago April 7, 1988 The Rainbow girls car wash was held Saturday, April 2, at Bob's Chevron station. The girls stayed busy washing cars most of the day, in spite of the rainy weather. They appreciate all of the support given to them. The proceeds will be used to help fund their trip to Bellingham for Grand Assembly. Tues- day, April 5, a group of Waitsburg Rainbow girls traveled to Walla Walla Assembly to assist with the initiation of Windy Dunning, of Touchet. Girls assisting were: Pat Darby, Worthy Advisor; Judy Helm, Chaplain: Jenny Hofer, Drill Leader; Lynn Pierson, Love; Joy Mertens, Religion; Suzanna Scud- der, Nature; Jessica Hofer, Immortality; Jackie Helm, Fideli- ty; Kelly Zuger, Patriotism; Carmella Epp, Service; and Kitzi Hazelbaker, Confidential Observer. Joan Helm also served as outer observer for the meeting. Girls attending the meeting with Nancy Otterson, Mother Advisor, were Stefanie Miller and Karen Skillings. Following the Walla Walla meeting, the girls had pizza and a slumber party at Helm's in Waitsburg.

Fifty Years Ago April 12, 1963 Waitsburg Commercial Club will host the candidates for Queen of the Days of Real Sport, Inc. and their parents next Tuesday, April 16. They include Margaret and Marie Zuger, Donna Harris, Carrie Beechinor and Jan Blacklaw. Vice president John Appleton asked for committee reports when the civic affairs chairman reported on a fund drive for the Guthrie Hawks family who lost their possessions in the fire of the Lloyd farm. They are now living in the Hulda Hinchliffe house on Seventh Street. Roy Leid, chairman of the Parks and Recreation committee, announced plans for the annual Easter egg hunt Saturday morning at the city park which is sponsored by the Commercial Club.

Seventy-Five Years Ago April 15, 1938 Jimmie Stonecipher, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stone- cipher, had the misfortune to fall from a pickup truck at the ranch last Thursday and dislocated the right shoulder. He was brought to this city where Dr. Lewis fixed him up O.K. Born: Friday morning, April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pulliam, a daughter. The young lady has been named Phyllis Marlene. The approaching date of the marriage of Miss Valerie Ganguet and Mr. Fidel Myers of Los Angles was announced after practice of the Women's Choral Club which met at Miss Ganguet's home last week. The Sorotus Club has set the date for its annual Spring Dance as Friday, May 6. The committee has revealed that it will be a gay Mexican fiesta. Charles Vollmer has been appointed general chairman for the annual Days of Real Sport. V. T. Hirsch is general secretary assisted by John White. The American Legion Post No. 35 will again sponsor the race meet.

One Hundred Years Ago April 11, 1913 Apple Day was observed here Saturday by merchants giving away many apples and placing on sale Yellow New- tons at 75¢ a box. The ladies of the Christian Church held a postponed Easter dinner and sale that day in which apples were served in many ways besides the standby of apple pie. Something over $60 was realized from the affair. Mrs. M. O. Pickett was hostess and leader of the Progressive Reading Club Saturday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Carpenter gave sketches of several Western story writers from personal knowledge. Mrs. C. A. Sprague gave a review of Ella Higginson's story of "Marcella Out West" and Miss Weller a review of Jack London's "Call of the Wild." Mr. W. H. Walker has accepted the position of foreman on the Adam Minnick estate in Spring Valley.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago April 13, 1888 The new city council will hold their first session next Thursday evening. We sincerely hope they will at once take steps toward grading Main Street, removing several stairways on the sidewalks and erect street lamps. A party traveling through the city last Saturday allowed a young stallion belonging to A. C. Dickinson to follow, but Mr. D. followed up and persuaded him to return said animal and attach $25 as damages. The party was from Umatilla County on the way to Big Bend. The baseball game between Waitsburg and Covelo nines last Saturday was not interesting. There wasn't enough oppo- sition. The score stood 2 to 1 in favor of the Waitsburg boys. The Big Bend Enterprise says that 4000 acres of land have been taken up within a radius of 12 miles of Waterville in the last 10 days. Fishing has commenced; the catching season will probably come later.


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