Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

May 1, 2003

It's hard to miss the yellow ribbons tied to telephone, street signs and just about any other stationary object along Main Street. Yes, they do represent soldiers in the Middle East. More specifically, they represent the 214 men and women of A Company, 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment. Mrs. Pearson's Sixth Grade class at Preston Hall Middle School are official sponsors of A Company, and responsible for the ribbons around town. It all began with a patch given to Scott Huxoll, Jr., a student in Pearson's class. Scott is the grand- son of Terri Rothwell, of Waitsburg. The patch was given to Rothwell's sister, Vicki Staples, by the 5th Battalion Commander to give to Scott. Her son, Joe Staples, is in the unit. Scott asked if he could do something for his cousin Joe. Terri asked if he would like to get his class involved. From there it just ballooned.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 28, 1988

Waitsburg Commercial Club ill entertain the Queen of the Days of Real Sport, Sandy Conover, and hear from Doug Shaw, an official from the state development agency, on the progress of the cannery project. The meeting will be 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, at Ye Town Hall. Queen Sandy will give her talk on the 75th Running of the Days of Real Sport, which is set for May 21-22. Also, Herman Gohlman will conduct the box seat drawings. Shaw, from the State Department of Commerce and Economic Development, will speak to the club on the aftermath of the feasibility study done by Phenneger & Morgan of Spokane. Shaw has been working with local businessmen on the project, which was sponsored by the Port of Walla Walla. Local and state money was used to fund the project, and the Commercial Club was one of the local donors.

Fifty Years Ago

May 3, 1963

Cub Pack 36 met at the K.P. Hall Monday, April 29 when awards were presented for achievement. Calvin Candaux and Ken Roberts received awards as denners; Bobby Wood and Andy Sampson, assistant denners, and Wolf Badge; Ken Phillips and Tony Hulce, Bear Badge. Color guards for the evening were Andy Sampson and Bobby Wood. Marvin Huffman and Stan Pierson attended the Cubbers Session in Walla Walla. During the session Pack 36 received several awards for ticket sales to the Scout Circus with the Waitsburg District. For this achievement the Pack received a $10 gift certificate sponsored by the Elks Club of Walla Walla. Pack 36 is buying a flag with this gift. Six Cubs from Waitsburg who sold ten or more tickets to the Circus received leather tie slides as awards, including Mickey Cole, Gary Pierson, Mar- tin Huffman, Ken Phillips, Ken Roberts and Calvin Candaux. Pack 36 had the most boys selling this amount of tickets, with four Cubs selling 15 or more including Mickey Cole, Gary Pierson, Martin Huffman and Ken Phillips.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 6, 1938

Beth Lloyd will be the valedictorian of the graduation class, while Virginia Bloor is salutatorian.

Miss Helen Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen, was chosen queen of this year's May Festival by the other students of the high school.

Barn room for racing stock is going to be at a premium at the race track before the week is out. Sixty head are already at the track with only room for nine more.

A suit was filed in Superior Court Wednesday by Dan Bickelhaupt against A. C. Macomber and his wife and Arthur Macomber. In the action, Bickelhaupt asks $33.60 special damages as the result of al alleged attack.

W. L. Brown, who has been living in Walla Walla for some months on account of poor health was out to his Cop- pei farm Monday and was in town a few hours shaking hands with old friends. W. L. has been pretty crippled up with rheu- matism but is gradually improving.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 9, 1913

The class of 1913 is one of the smallest classes of some years composed of only five members - Miss ruth Cole, Miss Sadie Bruch, Miss Marcia Eaton, Miss Kathleen Corbett and Mr. Dale Cline.

E. G. harsh Monday swore out a warrant for the arrest of Charley Hill of Huntsville, alleging that Mr. Hill defrauded the school district by inducing the other two members of the school board to sign a warrant for the payment of some lumber. When seen yesterday, Mr. Hills stated that when the time arrived for school to open, there being no out houses, he presented the matter to the other members of the board and the lumber was immediately procured and the house built.

Sam Wills is just completing the erection of a new cot- tage on his lots on Preston Avenue and will move his family there within a few days.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 4, 1888

Misses Letti Crawford, Mary Dixon and Anna Jessup are in attendance at the Columbia County Teachers' Institute in Dayton this week.

The elevated sidewalk leading from the bridge to the depot is in dangerous condition and should receive attention at once. Delay is dangerous.

The editor hereof took a flying trip over the hill of Alto, Starbuck and Pomeroy last Monday. We found all along the line crops looking splendid, and stock of all kinds doing well. Pomeroy, the county seat of Garfield County is making rapid growth, and is destined to be a city of considerable commer- cial importance.

Owing to sand drifting on the track below Umatilla, Tuesday evening's train did not arrive.


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