Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Waitsburg Celebration Days is just around the corner. With a parade, antique car show, cowgirl ranch racing, fair- way games, dances and more, the weekend promises the most excitement our little burg has seen in some time.

Yet there's one concern I've heard expressed more than once and it's nothing to take lightly. "What about food?" Good question. It's nigh impossible to have a bona fide celebration without some good food. (Perhaps I should say "grub" and "fixin's", to keep with the western theme.) Waits- burg's current lack of casual dining establishments is cause for legitimate concern on the food front.

Not to fret! There will be food, and plenty of it. Below are the options I'm aware of, to date. Please note that this list is incomplete and subject to change (add whatever else I need to say to get myself off the hook for leaving someone out or stating something incorrectly - pretty much a certainty, at this point).

*Visit Town Hall for an All-You-Can Eat Pancake Break- fast at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.

*The Girls' Council of Walla Walla will have a food booth offering: pulled beef sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburg- ers, Pepsi, candy, coffee and cinnamon rolls. The booth will alternate between the park and fairgrounds. Check out their fundraising raffle while you're there!

*The Scudder family of Prescott will have a food booth as well. I haven't been able to confirm the menu, but I'm sure it'll be good.

*Deeney's ice cream will also be alternating between the park and fairgrounds. Note: If you're on a diet, please skip the next sentence. Deeney's will be serving chocolate dipped, and nut or sprinkle covered, ice cream bars, frozen bananas and cheesecake.

*Waitsburg's P.E.O. will be serving a BBQ Hamburger Dinner at the fairgrounds from 5:30 to 7:30. Tickets are $10 for 21 and over and $7.00 for those 20 and younger. Dinner will be followed by a dance featuring the Frog Hollow Band (over 21 only) and dinner tickets include dance admission. The Lion's Club will serve alcohol at the dance.

In addition to the "newcomers", don't forget your home- town favorites.

*Coppei Coffee will be offering breakfast treats starting at 6:30 a.m. and salad, quiche and sandwiches until 2:00 p.m. both afternoons.

*Waitsburg Grocery's deli includes chicken, burgers, ribs, hot dogs and sausage dogs. They'll even whip you up a pizza for $18.99, with your choice of toppings.

*The Conoco offers traditional deli fare including burritos and gizzards. If you need a break from the festivities, grab a $1.19 movie from the KD DVD kiosk and relax a bit before heading back out.

*The WhoopemUp will be open for lunch on Saturday afternoon and dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday night.

Shhhhellip;.here's an unrelated secret no one knows yet. Cop- pei Coffee is throwing a Great Gatsby Party on Thursday, May 16th for those who just can't wait for the weekend fes- tivities. They'll have food, beverages and music and a $25 prize will be awarded for the best costume. Mark the date and start scoping out a great 20's costume!

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