Dear Editor,
This morning, May 14th, was spent riding around Waitsburg with Ivan Keve, in his classic turquoise and white Ford Pickup, as a shotgun spotter for debris piles for City Cleanup Day. The Waitsburg City Crew is a hard working bunch; fun to be around! City Administra- tor Randy Hinchliffe donned his work clothes and pitched right in to help the clean up. Volunteers Jim Burris and dump truck, Skip Carpenter and tractor, Larry John- son driving Jack McCaw's dump truck, went above and beyond the scope of their Commercial Club job descriptions to help the City Crew. Thanks to you all for helping; you are all the "oneof a- kind" stuff which makes us Waitsburg! Thanks to the citizens of Waitsburg for making Waits- burg a clean and cared for city. Ivan and I both remarked several times on our soiree around town "This is sure a beautiful little community!"
Joy Smith
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