Ten Years Ago
May 22, 2003
The top two finishers at the District 9 track meet at WSU's Mooberry Field will advance to the state track meet May 29- 31 at Cheney. Thirteen Cardinals, under coaches Ron Hun- tington, Dave Klicker, Jeff Bartlow and Leslie Stockton, will be vying for a chance to compete at the state meet this Friday and Saturday in Pullman. Advancing from the Blue Mountain League meet (sub-district) meet held May 12 in Walla Walla will be Marci Jo Lanning, Natasha Montgomery, Bertha Poirier, Charlee Long, Jessica Huxoll, Kurtis Reser, Dustin Smith, Matt Baker, Wade Bennett, Jimmy Crawford, Brad Huffman, Marty Ahmann and Nick Stroobants.Freshman Natasha Montgomery, Junior Kurtis Reser and sophomore Matt Baker have the best chances of winning state berths, Coach Huntington commented, although others could per- form exceptionally and also qualify.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 26, 1988
Waitsburg Lions Club gave John Kenney a standing ova- tion as he was named Lion of the Year for 1987-88. President Bill Zuger commented that Kenney had done a number of du- ties for him that many did not know about, and he was instru- mental in keeping a sense of humor in the club. New officers were installed for the year. They include President, Dan Cole; 1st Vice President, Guy McCaw; Second Vice President, Joe McMillen; Third Vice-President, Howard Smith, Jr.; Secre- tary, Cecil Webber; Treasurer, Ken Miller; Tail Twister, Bill Zuger; Lion Tamer, Neil Henze; Pin-Checker, J. W. "Buffalo Bill" Thompson, and new board members, Greg Zuger and Andy Winnett.
Fifty Years Ago
May 24, 1963
Waitsburg Commercial Club paid tribute to Mrs. Jessie Light Tuesday night when she cooked her last dinner for the club after 22 years of service to the organization. She asked to be relieved of her duties this year. The final meeting of the club will be a picnic next Tuesday night, May 28, at the Lewis & Clark Trail Park with Ernest Mikkelsen, J. V. Glover, Carl Fisher, Harold Roberts, John Appleton, Kenneth Zuger, J. A. Stonecipher and Francis Wood on the committee. The date for the fall salmon bake will be set by the icnic com- mittee as named above. Announcements were made that the Walla Walla Mills is in the process of completing a sawmill at Huntsville under the management of J. D. Welch, Jr. of Walla Walla. The operation represents a large investment east of Waitsburg.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
May 27, 1938
Orville Fullerton and his two sons of Huntsville have purchased the Huntsville Mill, known as the Walla Walla Farmers Agency, and will operate it, according to report reaching this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Munns of Touchet announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Jean Ann, to Howard Barnes, son of Fred Barnes, also of touchet.
Miss Maxine Conover, violinist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Conover and Miss Helen Hawks, pianist, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawks, appeared in recital at Mc- Dowell Hall, Whitman Conservatory of Music, Friday night.
The dwelling at the southwest corner of Orchard and West Seventh Streets, known as the J. M. Chew residence is being razed this week to make room for a modern home. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Egelston, have moved into a small cottage they own adjoining while the new home is being built.
One Hundred Years Ago
May 30, 1913
The tenth annual Reunion and Banquet of the Waitsburg High School Alumni took place Friday night at the Christian Church. The officers of the Association elected for the ensu- ing year were: president, Miss Grace McCall; vice president, Forrest Conover; secretary, Miss Julia Vollmer; treasurer, Vayle Perkins.
Miss Wilma Shaffer went to Portland last Thursday night to join her mother, Mrs. W. B. Shaffer, who has been in Portland for several weeks. Mrs. Shaffer is much improved in health and will probably return home the latter part of the week.
Miss Catherine Smith, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Smith, had the misfortune to fall from a bicycle on day last week and fracture her collar bone. She is getting along nicely.
Mr. W. D. Wallace, accompanied by Mrs. Wallace, went to Spokane Sunday to attend the State Convention of Farmers' Union which was in session several days this week.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 25, 1888
Bowman, Marvin & Saunders have started a lumber yard at the planning mill in this city and will be able to supply any kind of lumber in any quantity.
D. H. Harris called on Monday and ordered The Times to his address for one year. He encouraged us by saying The Times is a much better paper than it used to be.
Anderson Cox last Monday started in to learn the tinner trade with A. Hickman. H has a good man to learn under, and if he stays with it, will make a good mechanic.
C. W. Wheeler last Wednesday purchased a lot 40x100 on Main Street, front of Second, and will erect at once a brick printing office thereon. Thus our city grows.
Mrs. Lydia Fenton, accompanied by her little child, ar- rived in the city from Lafayette, Oregon last Saturday morn- ing on a visit to her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Keiser.
The new street lamps have arrived and will soon be in position. They are automatic in constructions, can be set to burn as long as desired, and then go out of their own accord.
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