DAYTON - American As- sociation of University Wom- en invited this year's Scholar Recognition Award recipients and their families to a tea reception in honor of their accomplishment. Dayton High School teachers nominated the junior girls with the high- est achievement in Math and Science to receive AAUW's Scholar Recognition Awards. This year's recipients are Kiara Biggar - Science and Rainbow Laws - Math.
Science teacher DougYen- ney said, "My nomination goes to Kiara Biggar. Kiara exhibits a potential for future success in science through a curiosity about chemistry and biology. Her lab journals are well organized and well written and Kiara always comes to class with a positive attitude. At Dayton High School, we use a projectbased learning approach to chemistry in order to learn chemistry in the context of everyday life and engineering applications. Projects also give students the opportunity work in teams and Kiara pro- vides positive leadership for her team. Her team consistently produces high quality products and is also efficient in carrying out daily laboratory activities. Kiara is a great example of a successful Dayton High School student, she has a promising future."
Math teacher Dave Phillips said, "Rainbow is the only ju- nior taking Pre-Calculus this year. She did this at a personal cost in scheduling classes and will have to makeup those classes next year. She is in- quisitive and likes to discuss math topics and ideas. Rainbow really likes math and enjoys solving problems, I think she actually enjoys the process of solving a problem way more than getting the so- lution - maybe that's because once you have the solution it's like " game's over, it's time to go home" and she wants to keep playing..."
Reception was held Sun- day, May 19th at 2:00 p.m. at the Delaney Building.
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