Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

“A Party, Indeed”

PRESCOTT - An au- dience filled with Mylar balloons, colorful floral bouquets and excited chatter made for a party-like atmo- sphere in Prescott High's gymnasium Thursday night as smiling seniors leaned over the mezzanine, scan- ning the crowd of friends and family below. Prescott High's 2013 graduation cer- emony was most definitely going to be a celebration.

Prescott High's 22 gradu- ating seniors entered by twos, taking measured steps to the traditional strains of "Pomp and Circumstance." The seriousness of the music and stride were belied by the fact that the girls wore every- thing from sky-high pumps to Converse tennis shoes and many had decorated the tops of their mortarboards with glittery Tiger paws, their graduation year or even their college of choice.

Once the graduating class was seated, ASB President Aldair Escalante led the crowd in the flag salute and introduced Superintendent Dr. William Jordan. Jordan congratulated the graduates, thanked and recognized the staff and welcomed incoming superintendent Brett Cox, who will offi- cially assume his duties, July 1. Jordan then introduced class Salutatorian Cynthia Zuniga.

Zuniga reflected back on her years as a Prescott student, having moved here as a third grader. She polled her classmates and shared favorite high school memo- ries, mentioning everything from being the first senior representative on the school board to being nicknamed "five minutes later" because that's how long it took one student to get a joke.

Zuniga shared that she was proud to relay that each member of the graduating class had a plan for the upcoming year, whether immediate employment or ongoing education. She thanked supportive teachers and family before introduc- ing class Valedictorian Clau- dia Soriano.

Soriano also thanked Prescott staff and then ac- knowledged there were a few things she would not miss: waking at 5:00 a.m., making the early morning announcements over the intercom and listening to the boys whine on test days. She encouraged her fellow graduates to each travel their own paths, never give up and to be strong when facing challenges.

Soriano summed up her thoughts by quoting entrepreneur, inventor and Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, "Your time is lim- ited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

Vanessa Flores took the podium and offered special recognition and thanks to exiting Superintendent Dr. Jordan, presenting him with a class gift. Adriana Benito and Luis Escalante led the graduates in the recognition of parents and mentors, honoring them with roses. Olivia Ortega read the class poem and Catherine Martinez introduced the "Memories: Class of 2013" Power Point presentation, a visual walk down memory lane, with music personalized to each graduate.

Commencement speaker and language teacher Sheryl Choate shared a speech commonly (though erroneously) attributed to author Kurt Vonnegut. Advice ranged from the practical, "wear sunscreen", "floss", and "take care of your knees", to the more philosophical, "Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours," and "Do one thing every day that scares you."

Choate was followed by math teacher and soccer coach Mark Grimm who, after making a show of liter- ally tossing his "seven page" speech to the wind, went down the row of graduates, offering reminiscences, en- couragement and good-natured ribbing to each. Grimm received a standing ovation from the grads and farewell embraces from many of his former soccer players.

Scholarships were award- ed by Mrs. Susan DeRuwe and Mrs. A.J. Jacobson. The Prescott High class of 2013received nearly $44,000 in scholarship awards with Vanessa Flores receiving $8450 and Catherine Mar- tinez Mendoza receiving $7250. Next in line were Cynthia Zuniga Rubio and Claudia Soriano, awarded $5870 and $4650, respectively. A new scholarship, in memory of Jack Smiley, was awarded to Cesar Munguia in the amount of $550. A blank banner bearing the title 'Jack Smiley Memorial Scholar- ship' hangs to the left of the scoreboard, awaiting the ad- dition of Munguia's name, to be followed by others in coming years.

Vanessa Flores, Catherine Martinez Mendoza, Claudia Janeth Soriano Fajardo and Cynthia Zuniga Rubio were recognized as National Honor Society members. Roy Basil Ebong, Aldair Es- calante, Eva Yadira Esquivel Zuniga, Vanessa Flores, Ta- sha Marie Gonzalez, Claudia Janeth Soriano Fajardo and Cynthia Zuniga Rubio were recognized as making the Principal's List. Adriana Benity Isidoro, Ramon C. Contreras, Ixel Sanchez and Juana Bereniz Valdovinos Pahua were recognized as Honor Roll students..

Following the presenta- tion of diplomas by school board chairman, Mrs. Karen Tonne, Principal Dr. Jodi Thew presented to the crowd, the newest graduates of the Prescott High. Tassels were turned and mortarboards were tossed. The grads at- tempted an orderly two-by- two recessional to the strains of "My Life" by Slaughter- house, only to be mobbed by exultant friends and family, bestowing them with em- braces, back slaps, flowers and balloons. A party, indeed.


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