Dear Editor:
It is said it takes a village to raise a child. It takes the ENTIRE TOUCHET VAL- LEY and extended area, to get the Hays Family to the MAYO CLINIC.We would like to THANK all of our friends, family, business, clubs, organizations, cor- porations and everyone in between, for all you have done for our family, whether it be purchasing tickets to the benefit dinner, financial gifts, food donations, items for the silent auction, baked food for the bake sale, chain- saw carvings, quilts, cards, hugs, positive thoughts, prayers and encouraging words.. THANK YOU ALL so much for helping me and my family. Without your help this trip would not be possible.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU : For the wonderful Benefit Dinner/Auction/ Bake sale to: The Girls at Sterling Bank, Heather, Becky , Sheri & Barb. The Kitchen Crew, Mikki, Don- na, Ilene, Angie, Wendy, Aaron and the 4-H Camp Counselors, Dayton Booster Club, Melanie, Jason, Roy, Kristen, Stacy, Clayton, Courtney, Madison, Chad, Alex, Taylor & Marty
A BIG THANK YOU TO: The Schaeffer Family, Jake and Emmalee Davis, Rosie Archer, The Juris Family and Bob and Carole Laski for helping us secure our airline tickets.
A SUPER BIG THANK YOU TO: Bobbi Jo, Miriam and Vicki for their many hours of research, fundraising & support. The City of Dayton office staff and crew for your kindness, financial & sick leave donations and for picking up the slack that my absence is going to cause. Columbia County Public Works Crew for your support.
Bert and I leave soon to meet with the Mayo Clinic Neurologist for additional testing, Then we meet with Dr. Link the surgeon to dis- cuss our options. We will keep you posted.
Please Remember, you cannot change what has happened in the past, so don't dwell on it. Live for today and look forward to tomor- rowhellip;.
Deb, Bert, Heather & LoganHays
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