Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 10, 2003

Buffalo Bill Cody's traveling Wild West Show is recreatedby an all-volunteer cast of more than 100 actors and actressesin a summer musical production of "Annie Get Your Gun,"an award-winning Broadway musical brought to the FortWalla Walla Amphitheater stage by the Walla Walla Com-

munity College Foundation. In leading roles are Shauna Lillyas Annie Oakley and Kevin Loomer as Frank Butler. Thecast also includes a few Waitsburg and Dayton folks: Vicki,Valerie and Kimmie Hamann, Steve and Tyler McCoon andSarah Ziegler of Waitsburg; Anna Fooese, Zachary Love andNikky Jagelski hail from Dayton. In addition, the WaitsburgBarbershop Quartet will perform on July 10 and 11 at 7:00

p.m. The quartet consists of Randy Pearson, Chuck Reeves,Bob Patton and Jack McCaw.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 14, 1988

The Historical Society met Monday evening with eightBoard members present. Recent activities at the Bruce Housewere reviewed, specifically the July 2 wedding, and tourswhich have been made. Jan Zuger conducted a group throughthe House on Monday of this week; had another scheduled

for Tuesday; and an Americana Tour bus of 34 to be there onWednesday. Members of the 55 plus Club planted marigoldsand helped spruce up the grounds before the Fourth weekend.Ken Zuger used his weed eater to good advantage. LoyalBaker and Joe Abbey arranged with Jim Wood to pasture asmall herd of beef animals at the Mill. Grass and weeds had

gotten beyond control and with the help of cattle, the grasswill be eaten away to reveal the weeds which can then bemowed and treated. Information is still lacking on the signsto be placed at the three entrances to town. Joyce Saxon andRoberta Broom are working on that project. The local librar-

ian, Jan Cronkhite will be given the opportunity to go throughthe remaining books before the library room is cleared. Workon cataloging recent acquired items will be done later this

summer by Roberta Broom and Jan Zuger.

Fifty Years Ago

July 12, 1963

Between sunshine, clouds, rain showers, and a hail stormwith thunder and lightning Sunday night, the weather has

been rather unpredictable during the past week affecting thecanning of green peas, harvesting of grain, as well as golf-

ers and swimmers. Stable air is expected to be moving inby the next week when harvest of grain will gegin slowlyas the warmer and dryer weather matures the crops. On theStonecipher road at the ehad of Spring Valley, hail fell at theJames A., James D. and Chester Stonecipher farms. Damagehad not been determined, but both the James A. and ChesterStoneciphers put some of the hailstones in the freezer - to

prove this claims on how big the stones were. The biggestones were the size of large marbles. The storm lasted only afew minutes.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1938

Tuesday morning, Betty Lou Pollard, five-year-olddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollard of Colfax andgranddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollard, fell from ahorse, breaking her collarbone and shoulder. She was broughtto Waitsburg by her aunt, Mrs. Lewis Patton, whom she wasvisiting at the time, and put in care of Dr. Lewis, who took herto Walla Walla for X-ray examination.

Mrs. Victor Hirsch and daughters, pat and Mary, leftWednesday evening for a visit with relatives and old friendsat Scotland, South Dakota. They expect to be gone severalweeks.

Vernon Bains drove up to Coeur d'Alene Lake andspent several days with Mrs. Bains and her sister, Mrs. W. H.Miller and daughter Delores of Enterprise, Ore., who were

camped there.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zuger and daughter Joan, Mr. andMrs. Rufus Veatch and daughter Marilyn Sue, Mr. and Mrs.Donald Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Carpenter and sonMerrill left Saturday for a week's stay at Alicia Lake aboveSpokane.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wood and three sons spent Sundayat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shea.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 18, 1913

Henry Zuger with his big steam outfit commenced onhis barley Monday morning and from reports got out 1500sacks the first day.

Mrs. Lydia Kenworthy, with Leon Kenworthy, her sonof Dayton, left for Pendleton, Oregon to see her son, WalterKenworthy, who was badly injured by a kick from a horseSaturday.Mrs. Priscilla Denney and Mrs. R. O. Sandeers left Fri-

day for a trip to Yellowstone Park. They will be gone a month,visiting Mrs. Denney's daughters, Mesdames John and LewisNeace at Melstone, Mont. before returning.

J. L. Dumas has made arrangements to take back toPomona orchard. He will take personal charge of the placeand reside on the tract.

G. W. Freeman of this city closed the sale last Wednes-

day of his 160 acre farm near Huntsville. The place was soldto Roy Mays at $80 an acre.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 13, 1888

The post office salaries if the four leading offices in theWashington Territory are as follows: Seattle, $2400; Tacoma,$2300, Walla Walla, $2100, Spokane, $2000.

Unless steps are taken now to straighten up the crooked-

ness in the land titles and descriptions in Waitsburg, unlimitedlitigations are bound to come sometime and many will wakeup some day to find that property they thought was theirsbelonged to the heirs of some one who has crossed the dark

river. If we remain silent, we will someday reap our reqard forcriminal negligence.Trains now cross the Willamette river at Portland on thenew railroad bridge.

Marshal Neely impounded 8 cows last night. This is nolonger a country town - it is a city, you know.

The city council of Tacoma has passed a resolutionprohibiting the establishment of drinking saloons on TacomaAvenue because it is a residence portion of the city, near theschool and college.


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