WALLA WALLA - Com- munity Council is beginning the search for its second ex- ecutive director. Julie Reese, the organization's first direc- tor, will retire in December.
President Craig Christensen said, "This is Community Council's fifth an- niversary. The organization was just months old when Julie was hired. Since that time, it has grown, its finan- cial stability has increased, and it has fully implemented its study-action process for community enhancement. She has helped us get off to a good start. We are confi- dent that our next director will strengthen Community Council's role as a catalyst for community action."
A search committee led by Christensen and com- posed of community and board members will recruit a new leader before the end of the year. Reese will continue to facilitate the organiza- tion's programs during that time. Advocacy for recom- mendations developed as part of the Improving Com- munication among Citizens and Government study will begin in September, the 2013-14 study is scheduled to begin in October, and the Reducing Gang Member- ship through Prevention implementation phase will conclude with a report to the public at the Full Circle Celebration, November 6.
Reese has played a key role in implementing Community Council's study pro- cess in the Walla Walla Val- ley. Four studies have been completed-enhancing the educational attainment of our region's children, optimizing local agricultural resources through value-adding, re- ducing gang membership through prevention, and improving communication among citizens and govern- ment. Each study has been a catalyst for specific commu- nity improvements.
Community Council was organized in 2008 as a non- partisan, inclusive civic orga- nization that engages diverse citizens in open dialogue, research, consensus building, and advocacy to achieve the highest quality of life for ev- eryone in the region between Burbank and Dayton, from the Snake River to Milton- Freewater.
Find more information about Community Council at www.wwcommunitycoun- cil.org.
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