Dear Editor,
I would like to update our wonderful community on my medical status.
With the help of friends, family, local business and many, many community members, we were able to go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota in June, expecting to have brain surgery. After three very long and extensive days of testing, the surgeon (Dr. Link) along with sev- eral of his associates made the decision to put brain surgery on hold. He felt he would do more damage than good, due to the location of the tumor.
At this point I have the entire Neurological Depart- ment of the Mayo Clinic stumped as to what kind of tumor is in my head. We are currently in an observa- tion process at this time. Dr. Link has scheduled me to return to the Mayo Clinic in December for additional testing and scans.
The Doctors at the Mayo Clinic advised us to have family, friends and com- munity members keep an eye out and if I start having difficulty walking or slur- ring my words, I will need to return to the Mayo clinic as soon as possible.
I have a very positive attitude and take every day as it comes. Our entire family is very appreciative of everyone's continued support, positive thoughts, kind words and prayers.
Love you all,Deb, Bert, Heather & Logan Hays
P.S Did I mention what an AWESOME community we live in?
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