DAYTON - The Columbia County Fair 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale will take place at the Dayton Fairgrounds at 12:30 p.m. on September 7. Raising a sale animal is a great learning experience for young exhibitors. This year there will be approximately 48 hogs, 10 goats, 12 lambs and 15 steers for sale.
Those wishing to purchase an animal must make arrangeÂments for butchering or to take the animal home. Tucannon Meats in Dayton would appreciate a call if you intend to use them, but are keeping a few dates open for "spur-of-the- moment" buyers. If you don't need a whole animal, consider going halves with a friend or relatives.
Those who wish to support 4-H and FFA members, but are unable to attend the sale may do so by sending support to PO Box 274, Dayton, WA 99328. Please call Rhonda Barker (382-2386 or 520-7409) or Heidi James (629-1901) with any questions about support.
Fitting & Showing, Breeding and Market classes will take place Friday morning, September 6. This is a good time to view animals that will be sold on Saturday.
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