Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley




Theft of diesel fuel on Millrace and Whoopemup HollowRoads.


Third degree theft on Bolles Road; suspect arrested.



Theft of hubcaps on "C" Street. Harassment reported on

W. 2nd Street, suspect arrested.



Criminal mischief; spray painting on roadway. Theft ofpalm pilot reported on E. Patit Avenue. Theft of wallet re-

ported on N. 5th Street. Theft of household items reported onS. 3rd Street. Theft of vehicle reported on W. Pine Avenue;unfounded, trailer was returned. Hit and run citation issueson Main and S. 5th Street. Reckless driving reported on E.Main. Attempted burglary reported on N. Touchet road;nothing taken.


Possible drug activity under investigation on S. 4th Street.

Animal mistreatment reported on S. Cottonwood; poultryneglect/abuse, city advised. Report of suspicious juvenileon tracks behind Best Western. Suspect with warrant elud-

ing deputies on S. 1st Street, unable to locate. Found walleton S. 3rd Street. Report of lug nuts loosened on tires of ve-

hicle at Cameron Court.


Vandalism reported on S. Cottonwood Street. Vehicle re-

possession on Magill Lane. Wheelchair found on W. Com-

mercial Street. Driving while license suspended infractionon W. Main Street. Residential burglary reported on S. 4th

Street. Property damage reported on E. Main Street. Foundproperty reported on E. Spring Street. Theft of cash reportedon S. 3rd Street. Domestic violence reported on S. 4th Street;

one subject arrested on outstanding warrant.


Eluding police officer; suspect fled on foot from deputy.Domestic violence reported on S. 4th Street; verbal only. Re-

port of harassment on N. 6th Street. Report of threats on E.

Main Street. Residential burglary reported on S. 3rd Street.

Report of DUI on E. Dayton Avenue; unfounded. Report ofsuspicious vehicle on Wolf Fork Road.


Vehicle prowl on W. Richmond Avenue; items found instreet and returned to owner. Vehicle prowl on S. 3rd Street;

glasses taken (possibly), nothing else reported. Rolled ve-

hicle reported on N. Touchet Road; no occupants, driverlocated later (not on scene), no injuries reported. Vehicleprowl on N. Cottonwood Street; purse taken. Possible or-

dinance violation investigated; concern that protestors oncourthouse lawn were selling items without a permit, un-

founded. Report of theft on Main Road; deputy respondedand resolved as civil matter. Vehicle stolen from WallaWalla was found; returned to owner, no arrests made.


Two pair of motorcycle gloves were taken on W. Rich-

mond Avenue. Report of fraud on E Pearson Street. Verbaldomestic abuse reported on E. Dayton Avenue.


Traffic stop on Highway 12 resulted in arrest for nolicense and a warrant. Hit and run resulting in damage to abridge on Kellogg Hollow Road. Possible entry into homeon E. Spring Street, nothing reported taken. Possible entryinto home on E. Spring Street (different residence), door leftopen. Threats reported on S. 1st Street. Harassment reported

on E. Spring Street. Utility issue, cable hanging low; Char-

ter cable is coming out to fix problem.


Firearms offense on N. 3rd Street, referred to prosecutor'soffice. Theft of cast iron sprinkler on E. Pearson Street.Non-injury accident, on Kellogg Hollow Road; damageto bridge. Domestic violence between adult males; selfinflicted injury to hand of one male. Erratic vehicle reportedon both E. Main Street and N. 4th Street. Report of harassment on E. Spring Street. Juvenile problem reported on S.4th Street.


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