DAYTON - The Columbia County Commissioners will hold a Public hearing September 18 to consider a new ordinance placing a moratorium on marijuana- related businesses in the county.
According to a release issued by the Commissioners' office, the board has drafted a measure "Declaring an Emergency, Establishing an Immediate Moratorium on the Siting, Establishing, and Operating of Any Structures or Uses Related to Marijuana Production, Marijuana Processing, or Marijuana Retailing, and Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens and Dispensaries, and the Submission of any Project Permit or Application For Such Uses, and Enacting Interim Zoning."
The hearing will be held at 2 p.m. in the Commissioner's Office located at 341 East Main Street in Dayton.
A draft copy of the proposed ordinance may be obtained at the Commissioner's office during regular business hours, or online at Approval of the ordinance is pending this hearing.
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