Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Festival Recap

Dear Editor,

We've just finished our annual task of compiling lessons learned from this year's Pioneer Fall Festi- val. We were again blessed with great weather although maybe a little warm, and the mud storm was nice enough to hold off until everything was put away. We received very positive feedback on the exhibits and displays in our three buildings and for the music and food. We're still trying to find the best balance for the food so that visitors can enjoy our his- toric downtown if they so choose and have something to eat there, or to opt for the food and activities on the grounds. The Buffalo burg- ers were very popular and didn't last long.

The Board of Directors would like to take this op- portunity to once again say thank you for attending the Festival and to the many volunteers who helped us this year and in past years. Volunteers help us to open the museum to visitors on summertime weekends, perform maintenance and upgrades, and to allow us to hold events such as our opening day, students' day at the Museum, and of course the Fall Festival. It's also important to remember that our funding comes 100% from memberships, donations, endowments, grants, and souvenir sales, and that no money for restoration or events has come from gov- ernment sources.

If you agree that Waits- burg's Museum is a local treasure worth preserving and maintaining, please consider volunteering or per- haps joining our board and taking on an elected office. You may contact me with your interest and I will bring it to the board or appropriate committee.

Jeff broom, President

Waitsburg Historical Society


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