DAYTON - Eighteen teams took part this year in what organizers said was a very successful Relay For Life event in Dayton Satur- day and Sunday.
The annual event is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and helps support research to find a cure for cancer. Opening cer- emonies were at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Dayton athletic field, with the relay lasting through the night. Closing ceremonies were Sunday morning.
Delphine Bailey, who helped organize the event, said that an estimated total of 400 people took part over the course of the event. More than 300 luminaries were purchased and more than 50 cancer survivors took part in the survivor walk.
Bailey said that more than $26,000 had been raised by the time of the event, and more money is coming in.
She also said that par- ticipation in this year's event was down somewhat from previous years, but that fun- draising is equal to or ahead of last year.
"We were up against oth- er events, like the Heirloom Weekend and the Salmon Barbeque in Waitsburg," Bailey said. "But we're very pleased with the result this year."
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