Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

My little nephews had a sleepover at my house this weekend. On Saturday, I took them to a library talk. The subject matter: simple ways we can help protect the earth and its natural resources.

The 45 minute talk covered everything from putting a sweater on rather than turning up the heater, to how to get off catalog mailing lists to conserve paper waste. The cute thing is, the kids asked me to share with you readers some of the things we learned about conservation. So, here I go.

Let's start with BYOW, which translates to bringing your own water in a re-useable bottle rather than grabbing a new bottle of water every time you need a drink. Or, planting a tree; it's good for the soil, the birds and the air that we breathe. Then, to bring cloth or reusable bags to the grocery store is a way to conserve. The average American household uses 350 plastic bags a year. To reuse bags reduces needless deaths of marine life caused by plastic bags that end up in streams, rivers and oceans.

What about those "super efficient" light bulbs we are switching to? They may be good for conserving energy but the bulbs contain mercury and proper disposal is crucial. Check with the store where you buy the bulbs for best dis- posal methods. Last but not least, reuse the padded mailing envelopes you receive in the mail. Simply scratch off ad- dresses, pull off stamps and reuse again.

After dinner, I tucked the last little nephew in bed and returned to the kitchen for a bottle of Dumas Station 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon, a 22 month barrel-aged red wine. This regional Cabernet is elegant, and what Dumas winemaker/ owners Doug Harvey and Jay DeWitt obviously had in mind in 2003 when they first began developing the Dumas Bor- deaux red wine portfolio.

I love the soft mouth of the 2010 vintage, wrapping the tongue in concentrated fruits. At first sip this cab' opens in dreamy smoke and caramel ribbons, perfectly pairing with a clean grass fed roast beef and homemade fresh horseradish sauce. Finally, sitting back on the couch looking through a glass of wine, I think sharing a bottle of Dumas Cabernet Sauvignon with my sweetie a perfect way to end a busy Saturday. Dumas Station: 36229 Highway 12, Dayton, Washington, 509-382-8933.

Homemade Fresh Horseradish Sauce

1-cup peeled and grated horseradish

¾-cup white vinegar

1-tablespoon white sugar

1/4-teaspoon salt

In a food processor, blend all together until smooth. Store in refrigerator until used. Serve with roast clean meats paired with a bottle of 2010 Dumas Station Cabernet Sauvignon.

Readers, until next week, "Eat Art, Drink Imagination!" For more photos, recipes and Moveable Feasts Catering ideas see: www.chefjudithhenderson,com.


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