A s The Times was going to press this week, our subscribers in Dayton and Walla Walla were still patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) wait- ing for last week's edition to arrive in their mailboxes.
As of Tuesday, several hundred copies of The Times were lost somewhere in Post Office-land. We are working to find them and we will do everything we can to get our readers outside of Waitsburg their belated copies of the October 10 issue of the paper.
Until now, when we delivered papers to the Waitsburg Post Office, the copies addressed to Dayton and Walla Walla subscribers are routed through either Pasco or Spokane before making their way to their destination. Because of recent delivery problems, we are preparing to revise our distribution process. Starting this week we will deliver copies of The Times destined to Dayton and Starbuck readers directly to the Dayton Post Office.
We were heartened by all the phone calls we got from people wondering what happened to their paper. Despite how frustrating these problems are, it's nice to know we were missed.
We apologize for the inconvenience to all of our read- ers who missed their paper, and we will do everything we can to make sure you get your paper on time from now on.
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